Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 18 '21 eng>deu has its eyes on you Sie werden in die Geschichte eingehen pro closed ok
- May 18 '21 eng>deu leader maßgebliche Personen (Persönlichkeiten) pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '21 esl>eng Salir al anochecer s. below pro closed no
- Mar 30 '20 ita>eng in braghe di tela in an awkward position pro closed ok
- Jun 15 '19 deu>eng sich vergegenwärtigen conceptualize pro closed no
- Jun 10 '19 eng>deu the night was still black, and the full moon was quickly falling from the stars. Es war noch dunkle Nacht, als der Vollmond rapide vom Sternenhimmel sank/fiel pro closed no
- Jan 23 '19 deu>eng sich versenken in to identify with pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '18 deu>eng possierlich endearing pro just_closed no
4 Dec 4 '18 fra>eng “devenir nègre” being made to feel black pro closed ok
4 Jun 29 '18 esl>eng luz diurna aleja a la gente para someterlos a la soledad de sus preocupaciones during the daytime people become more remote, engrossed in their own thoughts pro closed ok
4 Jul 29 '17 fra>eng Nom d’une mouche en jupette Good grief! Scared of a bit of skirt? pro closed no
- Jul 21 '17 deu>eng Kleiderdunst ...odours emanating from people's clothes pro closed no
- Jul 17 '17 deu>eng allenfalls von Ferngläsern aus entfernten Liegenstühlen betrachtet... unless detected by binoculars from a distant deckchair pro closed ok
- Apr 4 '17 deu>eng Ichgeiz introversion / reservedness / taciturnity pro closed no
- Mar 6 '17 esl>eng lúmpenes the dregs of society pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '17 esl>eng contorneándose circling pro closed no
- Jan 19 '17 esl>eng no me quedaban espacios para hacerlo hadn't the breath pro open no
- Jan 19 '17 esl>eng el esfínter se había vaciado de todo my bowels had already released the contents of my stomache pro open no
4 Jan 19 '17 esl>eng mi cuerpo daba brincos más altos my body jerked (ever) more violently pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '16 fra>eng "Ta seule limite est celle que tu t'imposes." You're the one who sets your limit(s) pro closed no
- Sep 10 '16 ita>eng unite in genere together we stand pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '16 fra>eng Les doudous pour les grands Little helpers for big (bigger) people pro closed no
- May 23 '16 eng>deu Are you winning? Seid Ihr obenauf? pro closed no
NP Mar 4 '16 esl>eng Agradezco a la Madre Tierra por habitar bajo su morada Thanks to Mother Earth for providing me with refuge pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '15 fra>eng Si la vue détaille, le nez défaille, If the eyes like what they see and the nose will agree .. pro closed ok
- Aug 21 '15 deu>eng Am Ende geht einer doch immer dahin, wohin es ihn zieht. People always end up where they want to go. pro closed ok
- Aug 19 '15 eng>deu just couldn't be bothered kümmerte es mich nicht pro closed no
- Jul 10 '15 ita>eng farsi vivere (an) up and coming (town) pro closed no
4 Jun 14 '15 ita>eng rappreso alla fascia sopra la falda that had dried on the band above the (b)rim pro closed ok
4 Jun 13 '15 ita>eng mangiator modesto o colossale (whether) a nibbler or a glutton pro closed ok
- Apr 8 '15 fra>eng Là où il y a de la gêne il n'y a pas de plaisir. there's no need to stand on ceremony pro closed ok
4 Apr 7 '15 fra>eng Lounge attitude Lounging in luxury pro closed ok
4 Jun 17 '14 deu>eng über jeden Zweifel erhaben defiantly irreproachable pro closed no
- Apr 20 '14 esl>eng no es venganza sino desquitanza it's retaliation rather than revenge pro closed ok
- Apr 6 '14 esl>eng maniquí de pueblo beau of the village pro closed no
- Mar 26 '14 esl>eng para hacer camino Take any path to get on track pro closed no
- Mar 17 '14 esl>eng escupir el alma coughing his heart out pro closed ok
- Dec 26 '13 deu>eng faustdick hinter den Ohren know every trick in the book pro closed ok
4 Nov 26 '13 esl>eng El ruido seco de la peurta the dry creak of the door pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '13 esl>eng Que bonito es flotar aunque no sepas nadar Enjoy floating on a whim - no need to have a swim! pro closed ok
- Oct 2 '13 fra>eng gniaf marionette pro just_closed no
- Oct 1 '13 fra>eng chasse aux cadavres search for skeletons in the cupboard pro closed ok
- Sep 7 '13 eng>esl Bring the ear near somebody cuando estaba con la oreja muy cerca pro closed ok
4 Aug 28 '13 deu>eng Tanzbahn (outdoor) dance floor pro closed ok
4 Jul 27 '13 eng>deu a trigger-happy guy schießfreudiger Typ/Kerl/Macker pro closed ok
4 May 29 '13 eng>deu tabletop edition großformatige Ausgabe pro closed ok
- Apr 29 '13 deu>eng Schwäne und Enten *ziehen beschaulich ihre Runden* swans and ducks lazily swim/drift around in circles pro closed ok
2 Apr 21 '13 esl>eng se alzaron generosas para rebotar por sus ojos Their bounteous looks lifting to reflect from their eyes pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '13 fra>eng fébrile au bout de mes doigts et de mon crayon tout neuf... itching in my fingers and in my brand new pencil (crayon) pro just_closed no
- Feb 13 '13 deu>eng Keime yet here lay the key/seed pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered