Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 8 '16 eng>fra No joy without annoy point de joie sans tracas pro closed no
4 Feb 23 '16 eng>fra bit his thumb faire la nique pro closed no
- Dec 6 '15 eng>fra to use people Nous traitons l'humanité comme une fin, et non comme un moyen. pro closed ok
- May 11 '15 fra>eng Vivi Dommage Vivi Dimage pro open no
- Oct 25 '12 eng>kur Dead silence fell in the middle of a word Un silence de mort interrompit un discours. pro closed no
- Jun 18 '12 fra>eng Poussières d'écritures authors'dust pro closed ok
- Jan 19 '12 eng>fra as worse than useless bons à rien pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '12 eng>fra step aside écartez-vous pro closed ok
NP Nov 22 '10 fra>eng la mort est le seul mendiant qui n'aura qu'un refus Death is the only beggar one can turn down but once pro open no
- Nov 1 '10 eng>fra classic beauty beauté conventionnelle pro closed ok
- Nov 1 '10 eng>fra I'm not pouring on the charm. Je n'ai pas d'atout charme pro closed no
4 Oct 14 '10 eng>fra The hidden culture les dessous du loto xxxx pro closed ok
- Oct 7 '10 eng>fra Not that what she wore really mattered. non pas que ce qu'elle portait importait easy closed no
- Aug 30 '10 fra>eng légèreté triviality pro closed no
- Jul 8 '10 fra>eng vieux schnock en culotte courte old bag with a childish soul pro closed ok
- Jun 1 '10 fra>eng vent hoaxes pro closed no
- May 28 '10 fra>eng profonde sonorité du deuil deafening sound of mourning pro closed ok
- May 28 '10 fra>eng sensibilité dans leur équilibre instable such a sensibility in their unstable balance pro closed ok
NP May 15 '10 fra>eng noire à lécher blackelicious pro closed ok
- Apr 19 '10 eng>fra Late Biblical Hebrew Prose la littérature biblique hébreue récente (exception faite de la poésie) pro closed ok
- Mar 16 '10 esl>eng lleva los rumbos perdidos loses his way pro closed no
- Mar 15 '10 eng>fra two-layered sur deux strates pro closed ok
- Mar 16 '10 esl>eng a ciegas yo te he creido You don't need to show your stigmata. I'm not (like) St Thomas pro closed no
- Mar 16 '10 eng>fra successful in female writing réussite dans le domaine de la littérature féministe pro closed ok
- Mar 16 '10 eng>fra as man-like as ressemblant à s'y méprendre à un homme (en chair et en os) pro closed ok
- Dec 12 '08 fra>eng laissez-faire laissez-faire easy open no
- Mar 9 '08 fra>fra les fils invisibles une volonté divine aux commandes easy open no
- Apr 7 '08 fra>fra l'homme est fait pour les tourments l'homme, forcément pécheur, est destiné à l'Enfer easy open no
- Apr 13 '08 fra>fra rien ne lui est dû s'il veut quelque chose, il fera des efforts pour l'acquérir easy open no
- Feb 18 '10 fra>eng le grotesque est un terrain idéal the grotesque is an ideal mindscape pro closed no
- Feb 16 '10 eng>esl And your words couldn't hide the scent y tus palabras no podian esconder el olor pro open no
- Feb 11 '10 fra>eng Tant bien sans faux. (really)far from it pro closed no
- Feb 6 '10 esl>eng lazos de amistad friendship links pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '10 eng>esl higher hights for Brad, que siempre me incita a dar lo mejor de mi pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '10 eng>eng The Corridor of Fate the road to Manifest Destiny pro closed ok
- Feb 7 '10 eng>eng unsoftened by cultivation indifferent to any cultural learning, as long as he can keep on rising on the social scale pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '10 eng>eng no signs in the East there weren't any clues, as for the accuracy of the child's birth date pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '10 eng>eng they have to be disannexed from it they have to be deposed pro closed ok
- Feb 3 '10 fra>eng Toujours quelque chose se lève entre les hommes et l’être transparent qui brûle Something will arise every time between mankind and the transparent burning being pro closed no
- Feb 3 '10 ita>eng in croce in a cross pro closed no
- Jan 29 '10 eng>eng took to themselves wives among the daughters of Philistia married Philistian young women pro closed no
- Jan 29 '10 eng>eng on like terms on equal terms pro closed ok
4 Jan 28 '10 eng>eng midnight marriage clandestine marriage pro closed ok
- Jan 28 '10 eng>eng jumped from his Utopian woodshed into a rubber-plant gave up his Utopian life to work in a factory pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '10 eng>eng Let us not be dishonest with ourselves, even to rid us of our physical diseases we ought not to believe in miracles, even though we think they can heal us pro closed no
- Jan 23 '10 eng>fra it gathers to a greatness like the ooze of oil crushed ample elle s'amasse comme l'huile pressée gicle pro just_closed no
- Jan 22 '10 eng>eng thirty-second degree franc-maçons au stade ultime easy closed no
- Jan 16 '10 eng>eng To worship with a noise to worship according to the African fashion pro closed no
4 Jan 15 '10 eng>eng domain of Hermann and Kellar is poached upon People who are not magicians illegitimately / illegally enter the domain of magicians pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '09 ita>deu Questo matrimonio non s’ha da fare diese Verheiratung muss nicht gemacht sein pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered