Translation glossary: Law/Patents - Law (General)

Showing entries 1-17 of 17
"...em favor da Uniao..."[as already established above] the Federal Government's loss [pursuant to Article...] 
Portuguese to English
"...sendo absorvido por este os tipos previstos..."the latter provision having incorporated the offenses defined in Art xx, Section II, of Law No. xx 
Portuguese to English
Containerized Cold Water PlantPlanta de Armazenamento de Agua Refrigerada. 
English to Portuguese
esfera criminalcriminally liable (for expenses); (liable for expenses) in the criminal area 
Portuguese to English
Faculto recurso em liberdadeDefendants vvvvvv, www, xxxx and yyyyy are hereby granted the right to appeal in liberty 
Portuguese to English
Feito devidamente instruido(this) fact has been duly documented 
Portuguese to English
Judiciaria de AdocaoJudicial Commission for Adoption (CEJA) 
Portuguese to English
liberdade provisóriaon parole 
Portuguese to English
Nao sofre por parteIs not subject to any disciplinary penalties (imposed by the Council) 
Portuguese to English
o mais que dos autos constam...and anything more included in the records... 
Portuguese to English
Pena corporalincarceration 
Portuguese to English
Por despacho de 23/3/2005...pursuant to the judicial order as of 03/23/2005. 
Portuguese to English
Por despacho de 23/3/2005...pursuant to the judicial order as of 03/23/2005. 
Portuguese to English
requirente - requeridoPetitioner/Respondent 
Spanish to English
Secretario do JuizoClerk of Court 
Portuguese to English
sociedade (ver contexto)trading and industrial company 
Portuguese to English
English to Portuguese
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