Translation glossary: Serbian to English

Showing entries 1-31 of 31
budžetski fondbudgetary fund 
Serbian to English
Da li ti je danas bolje? Jesi li ozdravila?Are you better today? Have you recovered? 
Serbian to English
dtddentur tales doses 
Serbian to English
glavni stručnjak za odnose s javnošćuFreedom of Information officer 
Serbian to English
grejs periodgrace period 
Serbian to English
gruba mišiæna snagasheer muscular strength 
Serbo-Croat to English
horska kompozicija uz pratnjuchoral composition with accompaniment 
Serbian to English
hranljivi agarnutritious agar 
Serbo-Croat to English
i cujemo se sutrawe'll be in touch tomorrow 
Serbian to English
igranje na sipcipole dancing 
Serbo-Croat to English
Serbian to English
klekovacaJuniper brandy 
Serbo-Croat to English
Serbian to English
lepo spavaj i lepo sanjajSleep well and sweet dreams 
Serbian to English
LIL GIRL????? greywolf1900 ...................... milena jel on to za mene lolMilena, did he ( do that ) for me lol? 
Serbo-Croat to English
Malo sam nervozan zbog posla. Ne ide mi po planu. Bilo bi lepo da si uz mene.I'm a bit stressed because of work, things are not going to plan. It would be nice if you were.... 
Serbian to English
Moj znak je devica. Ko ti je pisao poruke juče? Nije bilo grešaka.My sign is Virgo, who wrote your messages yesterday? There were no.. 
Serbian to English
Natavnik razredne nastaveHead of (Class) Teaching 
Serbian to English
ne mogu čestoI cant often 
Serbian to English
Nedostajes i ti meni. Jedva cekam da te vidim. Voleo bi da dodjes u Beograd.I miss you too. I can't wait to see you.I'd like you to come to Belgrade. 
Serbian to English
odbrana radathe defence of a work 
Serbian to English
Serbo-Croat to English
pomozi mi sutra. danas nisam kod kuce.Help me tomorrow. I'm not at home today 
Bosnian to English
proizvodnja građevinskih lepkovaManufacture of Building adhesives 
Serbian to English
proizvodnja tehničkih tkaninaManufacture of technical fabrics/textiles 
Serbian to English
prostorno i urbanisticko planiranjespatial and urban planning 
Serbo-Croat to English
sredstva ostvarena po osnovu dobijenih kreditaassets realised on the basis of loans received 
Serbian to English
sredstva ostvarena po osnovu dobiti preduzecaassets realised on the basis of companies profits 
Serbian to English
Serbian to English
strucni nazivprofessional title of 
Serbian to English
Ti si sve sto u srcu imam jaYou are everything (that) I have in my heart 
Serbo-Croat to English
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