Translation glossary: Geology

Showing entries 1-24 of 24
afaníticas con leve desarrollo de fenocristales de Plagioclasas y anfíbolesaphanitic with minor development of plagioclase and amphibole phenocrysts 
Spanish to English
algo silicificadas y bien estratificadassomewhat silicified... clearly stratified 
Spanish to English
Ambiente de SedimentacionDeposition setting 
Spanish to English
ambiente deposicional del tipo continental posiblemente oxidantecontinental depositional environment/setting, possibly oxidizing 
Spanish to English
basamento regional de las secuencias clasticas posterioresregional basament/bedrock of more recent clastic/detrital sequences. 
Spanish to English
Cenomaniano Tardío-Turoniano tempranoLate Canomanian-Early Turonian 
Spanish to English
cuenca imbríferahydrographical basin 
Spanish to English
de textura predominante del tipo granoblastica y lepidoblasticaare mainly granoblastic and lepidioblastic in texture 
Spanish to English
Denuncio (minero)denouncement 
Spanish to English
Denuncio (minero)denouncement 
Spanish to English
Denuncio (minero)denouncement 
Spanish to English
discordancia paralelaparallel unconformity 
Spanish to English
esquistos grises verdosas a grises oscuras cortadas por venillas asociadas con anfibolitasgreenish-gray to dark gray schists crossed by veinlets associated with amphibolites 
Spanish to English
filitas peliticas y tobaceas marrones y negruzcasbrown and blackish tuffaceous and pelitic phyllites 
Spanish to English
grado de angularidad y escaso transporte de los clastosangularity and the scarce transportation of clasts 
Spanish to English
lixiviados durante la diagenesislixiviated/leached during diagenesis 
Spanish to English
por su constitucion litologica, en afloramiento presenta escarpas conspicuasdue to its lithological outcropping constitution, presents conspicuous scarps 
Spanish to English
sedimentos claros estratificadosclear, stratified/layered/bedded sediments/deposits 
Spanish to English
slug purgingpurga de líquido 
English to Spanish
suceptibilidad al metamorfismo y al efecto de las intrusiones posterioressusceptibility to metamorphism and the effect of more recent intrusions 
Spanish to English
suprayace en discordancia angular marcada al complejo metamorficooverlays, at a marked angular unconformity, the metamorphic complex 
Spanish to English
tobas cortadas por intrusivos dioríticos y Granodioríticostuffs cut by dioritic and granodioritic intrusions 
Spanish to English
tobas soldadas y brechosas con abundante material calcareowelded, breccia-like/brecciated tuffs with abundant calcareous material 
Spanish to English
volcanicos acidos dacitas y riodacitas.acid volcanic dacites and rhyodacites 
Spanish to English
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