Translation glossary: ita-gral

Showing entries 1-18 of 18
Consultant Pediatrician in charge of Children's HospitalPediatra Director del Hospital de Niños 
English to Spanish
dar de alta a los empleadosto add the new employees to the payroll 
Spanish to English
fan-friendlycon muchos seguidores 
English to Spanish
flow countercurrent to the flow of fluid through the tubulefluyen en sentido contrario (o contra la corriente) 
English to Spanish
la extension poblacionalpopulation growth 
Spanish to English
La va me (or mi) puercoWash me (it) pig 
Spanish to English
led the chargeque encabezaron la lucha contra 
English to Spanish
lot loanspréstamos para la adquisición de lotes/terrenos/parcelas 
English to Spanish
not fit into one of the open quota groupsno califica para los grupos actuales 
English to Spanish
obra de cabeceramajor (main) projects 
Spanish to English
operacionestransactions - operations 
Spanish to English
Procedencia (en un certificado de estudios)issued by 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
taller: recorrida de mantenimientoworkshop: inspection or maintenance check 
Spanish to English
territory field sale teamequipo de venta directa 
English to Spanish
to a desirable filly, is popular among the mountain tribesa una potranca deseable, son costumbres en las tribus de las montañas 
English to Spanish
To chew at the inside of one's mouthmordiéndose el interior de la boca 
English to Spanish
walk-roundsrondas de rutina 
English to Spanish
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