Translation glossary: Balance Sheet RO-EN

Showing entries 1-24 of 24
Romanian to English
active fixe la costproperty, plant, and equipment at cost 
Romanian to English
active fixe netenet property, plant, and equipment 
Romanian to English
active intangibileintangible assets 
Romanian to English
alte active pe termen lungother long term assets 
Romanian to English
alte obligaţii pe TLLT obligations less current maturities 
Romanian to English
împrumuturi pe TS şi scadenţele crt. ale obl. pe TLST borrowings and crt. maturit. of LT obligations 
Romanian to English
cheltuieli înregistrate în avansprepaid expenses and other current assets 
Romanian to English
creanţe, clienţiaccounts receivable 
Romanian to English
datorii pe TSaccrued liabilities 
Romanian to English
furnizoriaccounts payable 
Romanian to English
impozite pe venit amânatedeferred income taxes 
Romanian to English
impozite pe venit de platăincome taxes payable 
Romanian to English
investiţii pe termen scurtshort term investments 
Romanian to English
minus amortizarea cumulatăless accumulated depreciation 
Romanian to English
numerar / cashcash 
Romanian to English
obligaţii şi capitalul acţionarilorliabilities and shareholder equity 
Romanian to English
Romanian to English
total activtotal assets 
Romanian to English
total active curentetotal current assets 
Romanian to English
total capitalul acţionarilortotal shareholders' equity 
Romanian to English
total obligaţiitotal liabilities 
Romanian to English
total pasivtotal liabilities and shareholder's equity 
Romanian to English
venituri încasate în avans la expedieredeferred income on shipment to domestic distributors 
Romanian to English
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