Translation glossary: Sports & Fun

Showing entries 1-10 of 10
badgeButton / Anstecker 
English to German
Euro Footy FlutterEURO-Kicker-Kampagne / EM-Kicker 2008 
English to German
interdiction de la circulation des engins motorisésVerbot motorisierten Verkehrs 
French to German
most recognizable athletesprominenteste Athleten 
English to German
qualification and participation criteriaQualifikations- und Teilnahmekriterien 
English to German
referee / judgeSchiedsrichter / Kampfrichter 
English to German
repelling a 300-foot cliff[...]aus 100m von einer Klippe springen 
English to German
sports hospitality entertainment providerOrganisator sportlicher Großveranstaltungen 
English to German
staging and creative service agenciesKünstler- und Eventagentur 
English to German
tail endersSchlusslichter 
English to German
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