Translation glossary: Grammar glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 331
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-ing co-ordination (sideordning av helsetning og en -ing setning)the relation between the matrix clause and the -ing clause in the case of -ing co-ordination is similar to the relation between two main clauses co-o 
-ing participle (presens partisipp)the (non-finite) verb form ending in -ing . The -ing participle combines with the grammatical auxiliary be to express the progressive aspect (They ar 
-ing participle clause (-ing (partisipp)setning)a non-finite subordinate clause in which the verb is an -ing participle. -ing participle clauses can have adverbial function (Pacing round the lake, 
Abilitycan, could 
active voice (aktiv)used about a verb phrase not marked for the passive voice. Typically (but not necessarily), the subject of an active verb phrase is the \'doer of an 
adjectival (adjektivisk)having a function similar to an adjective, i.e. functioning as a modifier of a noun (within a noun phrase) or as subject or object predicative. The t 
adjective (adjektiv)one of the lexical word classes. Adjectives are typically descriptive of a noun; they denote qualities, characteristics and properties of people, thi 
adjective phrase (adjektivfrase)a phrase with an adjective as its head. An adjective can be intensified by an adverb (as in very good, extremely popular, more difficult), and comp 
adverb (adverb)one of the lexical word classes. Adverbs are a very heterogeneous word class. Many are derived from adjectives, and are therefore largely descriptive 
adverb phrase (adverbfrase)a phrase with an adverb as its head. The head may be preceded by an intensifier (another adverb) and followed by a complement or a postmodifier (usua 
adverbial (adverbial)syntactic function at clause level. Adverbials may be obligatory, though most of them are not. However, they can be added freely to any clause patter 
affected (\'berørt\' )a semantic role referring to the participant in a clause that is affected by the action expressed by the verb. This semantic role of ‘affected’ is ty 
affix (affiks)a part of a word which is connected with the word\'s meaning or syntax, but is not a root (e.g. -s and -ed in play-s and play-ed). An affix may be a 
agent (agens)a semantic role referring to the \'doer of the action\'. In an active clause, the agent participant is typically expressed as the subject (Peter kill 
alternative question (alternativt spørsmål)A type of question where the hearer is asked to choose between alternatives. E.g. Would you like tea or coffee? Will you go by train or by air? In fo 
anaphoric (anaforisk - som peker tilbake på noe tidligere i teksten)an anaphoric word/phrase points backwards in the text, i.e. you find out what an anaphoric word/phrase refers to by looking at the preceding context. 
anaphoric reference (referanse til noe tidligere i teksten)reference backwards in the text. A personal pronoun, for example, often has anaphoric reference, i.e. you have to look at the preceding context to se 
antecedent (korrelat)term used in connection with relative pronouns and relative clauses. The antecedent of a relative pronoun or a relative clause is the noun phrase tha 
anticipatory it (it som foreløpig subjekt eller objekt)it is called \'anticipatory\' when is a place-holder for a subject or an object which is realized as a clause (an infinitive clause or an ing-claus 
anticipatory object (foreløpig (direkte) objekt)a word - it - which occurs in object position. It carries no independent meaning, but points forward to the notional direct object which is placed la 
anticipatory subject (foreløpig subjekt)a word - it or there - which occurs in subject position. It carries little or no independent meaning, and points forward to the notional subject whic 
antonym (antonym - ord med motsatt betydning)A word which means the opposite of another word. E.g. large - small, expensive - cheap, happy - sad. 
antonymy (antonymi)sense relation between two words with opposite meanings. Examples 
apposition (apposisjon)expansion of a noun phrase, whereby a second noun phrase is added which has the same reference as the first, but a different form. E.g. Tony Blair, t 
article (artikkel)a type of function word. English has definite (the) and indefinite (a, an) articles. They function as (central) determiners in noun phrases. The term 
aspect (aspekt)a category of the verb. Aspect views the action/state from within, and key terms are \'duration\' and \'completion\'. In contrast to tense, aspect do 
attributive (attributiv)term used of adjectives which premodify nouns, i.e. an adjective placed in front of a noun is said to be in attributive position, and to have attribu 
auxiliary (hjelpeverb)a function word. There are two classes of auxiliary verbs 
auxiliary equivalent (verb/verbfrase som har samme betydning som et hjelpeverb)a phrase with roughly the same meaning as one of the modal auxiliaries. E.g. be willing to = will, be able to = can, be allowed to = may, be supposed 
bare infinitive (infinitiv uten to)infinitive without the infinitive marker to (e.g. as the infinitive appears after a modal auxiliary 
base form (grunnform)an uninflected form of a word. The base form of a noun is its singular form, while the base form of verbs is the (bare) infinitive, and of adjectives 
case (kasus)a category of nouns and pronouns. Nouns do not have case in present-day English, but some personal and relative pronouns have two forms which are use 
cataphoric reference (referanse til noe lenger framme i teksten)reference forwards. Sometimes a pronoun such as he, she, it finds its reference in the following context, e.g. When I first met him, John Smith was w 
catenative (\'hjelpeverb\')a part of the verb phrase which is not among the auxiliaries, but it is followed by another verb which functions as the main verb in the verb phrase. 
classifying genitive (bestemmende genitivsledd)a genitive expression which indicates that the head noun belongs to a particular class of things. It functions as a premodifier in a noun phrase. Som 
classifying modifier (bestemmende adledd/beskriverledd)a premodifier of a noun which indicates that the head noun belongs to a particular class of things. E.g. a mobile phone is a particular kind of telep 
clause (setning)a group of phrases, usually centred around a verb. The valency of the verb decides how many clause elements need to be present. Clauses can be main c 
clause element (setningsledd)a word, phrase, or clause that has a syntactic function in a clause. The most common types of clause element are subject, verb, direct object, indire 
clefting (utbryting)an operation which splits a clause (e.g. the butler killed the duke) into two, in order to give emphasis to a particular clause element. Cleft senten 
co-ordinating conjunction (sideordnende konjunksjon)a conjunction which joins together equal entities, i.e. two phrases or two clauses. The co-ordinating conjunctions are and, but, or. The conjunctions 
co-ordination (sideordning)the combination of two equal parts; word/phrase + word/phrase or clause + clause. Co-ordination is usually marked by means of a co-ordinating conjunc 
coherence (koherens)unity in a text, usually as regards content. 
cohesion (kohesjon)unity in a text, usually as regards form. A study of cohesion is concerned with the links between clauses and sentences which help us interpret a ser 
cohesive tie (kohesjonsmarkør)a word or phrase which marks a connection between sentences, or between a sentence and its context. Examples of cohesive ties may be conjunct adverbi 
collective noun (substantiv med kollektiv betydning)a noun which refers to a group of people, e.g. family, team, committee. A particular feature of collective nouns is that they may occur with plural v 
collocation (kollokasjon)a pair or group of words which tend to occur together. For example, pretty often collocates with nouns referring to women and girls, while handsome t 
command (kommando)a communicative function, typically realized by a sentence in the imperative. A command is used when a speaker wants the hearer to do something. Exam 
comment clause (kommentarsetning)A clause which has the form of a clause, but which is communicatively subordinate to another clause. Typical examples of comment clause are you know, 
comment question (kommentarspørsmål)a communicative function which is typical of dialogue. Comment questions are formally similar to tag questions, but slightly different in function, a 
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