Translation glossary: tech/eng

Showing entries 1-50 of 50
abbreviazione sigilli - der Platz für das Siegel 
Italian to German
Allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassungapprovazione tecnica 
German to Italian
allgemeinen bauaufsichtlichen Zulassungapprovazione tecnica 
German to Italian
Italian to German
area riservatageschützter Bereich 
Italian to German
Battente rovesciatoGatefolder/Aufklappseite 
Italian to German
German to Italian
cavo sospesoLuftkabel 
Italian to German
colore micalizzato tristrato3-Schicht Mica-Lackierung 
Italian to German
Dachüberstandbordo del tetto 
German to Italian
Edschaverdecktetto Edscha 
German to Italian
effetto giroscopicoKreiseleffekt 
Italian to German
effetto rettificanteGleichrichteffekt 
Italian to German
F. 3/4" Gas3/4" Muffe Gas 
Italian to German
finanziati in conto corrente in biancofinanziert durch Kontokorrent-Kredit 
Italian to German
Folgewerkzeugestampi pluristadio 
German to Italian (Abk.) 
Italian to German
Glied (hier)maglia 
German to Italian
in linea (hier)hintereinander angeordnet 
Italian to German
klemmprofilguida scorrevole 
German to Italian
German to Italian
Lagerglockecuscinetto campana 
German to Italian
lettura facilitataSchnellsuche 
Italian to German
leva a spotAusbeullanze 
Italian to German
mantello elettronicoElektronenhülle 
Italian to German
nachvollziehbarverificabile, documentabile (contesto specifico) 
German to Italian
pallet a sponde rigideHartholzpaletten 
Italian to German
parete a bandierafreistehende Wand 
Italian to German
particelle di mica colorataMicapigmente 
Italian to German
PE-HD Caricato MoS2PE-HD mit MoS2 (Polyethylen hoher Dichte mit Molybdändisulfid) 
Italian to German
piattaforma elevatrice idraulica a pantografohydraulische Scherenhebebühne 
Italian to German
polipropilene a filo continuoPP(Polypropylen)-Endlosfaser, -Filament 
Italian to German
preventivi (hier)Vorkalkulation 
Italian to German
processore geometricoGeometrieprozessor 
Italian to German
PUR als Blockschaumpoliuretano espanso in blocchi 
German to Italian
relè ritardato alla diseccitazioneZeitrelais mit Abfallverzögerung 
Italian to German
ruota metricaRolltacho, Messrad 
Italian to German
scala componibileKombinationsleiter 
Italian to German
serranda di taraturaJalousieklappen 
Italian to German
servitù aeronauticheGrunddienstbarkeiten für den Flugverkehr 
Italian to German
Italian to German
sfuso con laminalose mit Beschichtung 
Italian to German
SITEichamt (Servizio di Taratura) 
Italian to German
Sklavenrandventilvalvola sclaverand 
German to Italian
Italian to German
Spindelauflagesupporto del mandrino 
German to Italian
Splitgruppe(gruppo) riduttore 
German to Italian
Superficie Utile di Apertura (SUA)aerodynamisch wirksame Abzugsfläche (Aw)/wirksame Öffnungsfläche 
Italian to German
vano (qui)Technikschacht/Kabelfach 
Italian to German
Vorgabendirettive ( del produttore) 
German to Italian
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