Translation glossary: P.C.Baldwin's

Showing entries 1-13 of 13
amontonarme con la manada...lumping me with the common herd 
Spanish to English
concluyó lapidario1. Stated Bluntly/sharply/curt or 2. closed with the following cutting comment /words 
Spanish to English
esa fue el momento en que me lucithat was my finest hour 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
nemo me impune lacessit /Eureka, mottoesNo one attacks me with impunity,Scotland & the Order of the Thistle motto /Eureka:I have found it, the state of California motto 
Latin to English
of reason-disbeliever inhijo de la razón, un no creyente 
English to Spanish
pull chummy over just for the hell of itArruinaré todo por puro placer/porque se me da la gana. 
English to Spanish
quit is to gaze intensely uponevadirse es como quedarse como absorto en/embobado.. 
English to Spanish
tanto lo efímero como lo eterno.the fleeting and the eternal 
Spanish to English
text of lettersa) texto de cartas b) correspodiente a cartas o misivas 
English to Spanish
then felt I like some watcher of the skies, when a new planet swims into his kenEntonces fui como un explorador delcielo inmenso cuando un nuevo planeta nada en las alturas 
English to Spanish
to ease herself uo to a sitting positiona)ya se incorporaba para sentarse 
English to Spanish
trasnochadas lecturasread till the wee hours of the morning 
Spanish to English
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