Translation glossary:

Showing entries 1-30 of 30
Accoleit, Betadine (polivinilpirrolidone)Accolate, Betadine (polyvinylpyrrolidone) 
Italian to English
Alterazzione de tipo degenerativo-artrosico interessano le limitanti contrappostdegenerative-arthrotic type alterations affect the margins of opposed surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies. 
Italian to English
Alterazzione de tipo degenerativo-artrosico interessano le limitanti contrappostdegenerative-arthrotic type alterations affect the margins of the opposed surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies. 
Italian to English
Alterazzione de tipo degenerativo-artrosico interessano le limitanti contrappostdegenerative-arthrotic type alterations affect the opposed surfaces of adjacent vertebral bodies 
Italian to English
anterolistesi di S1 su L5anterolisthesis of S1 on L5 
Italian to English
Arteropatia Obliterante Arti Inferiori II B, in pz. operatoObliterative arteriopathy of/affecting the Lower Limbs/Lower Extremities stage II B, in an operated patient 
Italian to English
autoprotesiautologous grafting 
Italian to English
ceroidolipofuscinosiCeroid Lipofuscinosis 
Italian to English
cestello a retemesh basket 
Italian to English
con partenza da tumori epitelialiof epithelial tumour origin 
Italian to English
deficit della sensibilita dolorifica, EPA and ECD ipovalidi bilateraledeficit of pain sensation, bilateral weakness of EHL and EDL 
Italian to English
deficit della sensibilita dolorifica, EPA and ECD ipovalidi bilateraledeficit of pain sensation, bilateral weakness of EHL and EDL 
Italian to English
e al. 
Italian to English
fraseuse of decubitus pads for the popliteal fossa 
Italian to English
i restanti organi mediastinicithe remaining organs of the mediastinum 
Italian to English
Italian to English
Italian to English
macrofagi, epitopomacrophages, epitope 
Italian to English
Italian to English
Paresi arto superiore destraright upper extremity paresis 
Italian to English
Presenza di osteofitosi retrosomatica lateralepresence of posterolateral vertebral body osteophytosis 
Italian to English
quadri radiomorfologiciradiomorphological patterns 
Italian to English
raccolte liquidefluid collections 
Italian to English
rivelatore con sonda a scintillazionescintillation detector probe 
Italian to English
simpatico splancnicosplanchnic sympathetic 
Italian to English
stile mentalemindset 
Italian to English
tratto (nel contesto)tract 
Italian to English
tratto duodeno-digiunaleduodenojejunal segment 
Italian to English
uso di tappetini antidecubito nel cavo popliteouse of decubitus pads for the popliteal fossa 
Italian to English
ventricolo sxleft ventricle 
Italian to English
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