Translation glossary: Society

Showing entries 1-46 of 46
...wenn die Aufgaben ... abgestuft ausgeschaltet werdenif the tasks ... are hierarchically eliminated. 
German to English
a fraternity towel-snapperun taquin mordant, cassant, au verbe acerbe. 
English to French
agreabilityvolonté de plaire 
English to French
Arbeitsamtjob center/centre - employment office 
German to English
Änderungen des VerfassungsvertragsConstitutional amendments 
German to English
culturally diverse / cultural diversityinter-culturel / diversité culturelle 
English to French
demand a greater voiceexiger d'avoir son mot à dire 
English to French
Design-KolumnistChroniqueur d'ésthétique industrielle 
German to French
Discrimination EssayEssai sur la discrimination 
English to French
Ebenmaßmode de vie - façon de vivre 
German to French
EditoA word from the editor 
French to English
en chauffeur de salleanimator/entertainer 
French to English
for tribal peoplesNaturvölker 
English to German
Gayfröhlich, lebenslustig 
English to German
GestaltwahrnehmungGestalt perception 
German to English
give love a chanceDonner une chance à l'amour 
English to French
He would earn a lot of money..Il ferait beaucoup d'argent.. 
English to French
Hell's Angels( Engel der Hölle) No, do not translate 
English to German
high groundContrôle 
English to French
julkalenderChristmas calendar 
Swedish to English
l'autre originelthe primary Other 
French to English
macht ... unabdingbaris an absolute necessity 
German to English
marginalliving on the fringe of society 
French to English
Mom, I'm boredMaman, je m'ennuie 
English to French
musical marksmusikalische Merkmale /Markenzeichen 
English to German
poor fashion sensewenig Sinn für Mode 
English to German
Popcorn strikeDébrayage illégale 
English to French
Referenzrahmen des EuroparatesFramework of reference of the Council of Europe 
German to English
regional municipalityLandsgemeindeverwaltung 
English to German
Saint DiéSaint Dié/ Saint Deodatus 
French to English
Sainte Foye, patronne de ConquesSaint Foy of Conques 
French to English
German to English
schnickle fritzSchnickelfritz - endearment 
German to English
self-awarenessIch-Bewußtsein / Selbsteinschätzung 
English to German
German to English
thank you for letting me visitMerci d'accepter ma visite 
English to French
to expand one's familyagrandir sa famille 
English to French
to think for oneselfpenser par soi-même/avoir une pensée autonome 
English to French
Tränen lügen nichtTears do not lie. 
German to English
Trennwirkungeffet de la séparation 
German to French
French to English
vital sexual and reproductive health and rights initiativesInitiatives en matière de santé et droits sexuel et reproductifs 
English to French
WohnheimHostel, Home, Camp 
German to English
Yakka mongols (Genghis Khan)Borjigin (Tschingis-Khan or Dschingis Khan) 
English to German
Zivilstandskreiscivil registry district 
German to English
German to English
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