Translation glossary: Expressions

Showing entries 1-50 of 53
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...set and broken all records...alle Rekorde aufgestellt und gebrochen 
English to German
a night out on impulseeine nächtliche Spritztour 
English to German
a night out on impulseune virée nocturne à l'improviste 
English to French
a win-win relationshipune relation gagnant-gagnant 
English to French
Achterbahnmontagne russe 
German to French
an einem Text feilenRetravailler, polir, améliorer un texte, mettre le point final à une rédaction 
German to French
asking for troubleDa handelt man sich nur Ärger ein 
English to German
Aus dem Topf ziehendraw from the hat 
German to English
ça fait bosch de chez boschboche de chez boche - below zero, totally incompetent, inattractive etc. 
French to English
buggaboosloup garou / croque-mitaine 
English to French
by the seven Gods !Par les sept dieux de la chance! 
English to French
cherry pickingchoix selectif, choix arbitraire 
English to French
der teufel nennt mich bruderThe devil calls me brother 
German to English
devise, maximeWahlspruch 
French to German
Latin to English
expatriate time, the mapping togetherle temps d'expatriation, en ajoutant 
English to French
Global PlayerLa bien-aimée 
German to French
Good MorningGood morning 
gut levelgefühlsmässig, aus dem Bauch heraus 
English to German
Hans Dampf in allen GassenJack-of-all-trades 
German to English
headlineGros titres 
English to French
high-quality sensations and excitementintensive Eindrücke und mitreissende Erlebnisse 
English to German
horsefeatherBalderdash - nonsense 
I'm soaking through and throughJe suis trempé jusqu'aux os. 
English to French
In der diese Verantwortung über die notwendigen Wege nicht übernommen werden kann.laquelle ne peut pas assumer, par voies appropriées, ces responsabilités. 
German to French
Jack-of-all-tradesbricoleur (négatif), homme à tout faire 
English to French
langue de boisAmtssprache - hölzerne Sprache 
English to German
le restant de la colère de Dieuce qui reste quand la colère de Dieu s'est évaporé 
French to German
French to German
Mother's ruinLe désespoir de ma mère (gin, boisson alcoolique) 
English to French
passage du mistigristhe mistrigri (or joker) is dealt (the buck ist passed) 
French to English
picture this!Imagine-toi! 
English to French
Poor is the nation that has no heroesInfortuné la nation sans héros... 
English to French
pushing on a stringparaphrase: Zahnpasta wieder in die Tube hineinzudrücken 
English to German
rein exuberanceÜberschwänglichkeit zügeln 
English to German
sage und schriebeyou wouldn't believe it - would you believe it? 
German to English
sich die Erde untertan machensubdue the earth 
German to English
Tagam Tag/ an dem Tag 
German to English
tatsächlich und rechtlich so gestellt..... is effectively and legally in the same position as someone who .... 
German to English
The day of reckoningLe jour du Jugement 
English to French
The day of reckoningDer Tag der Abrechung 
English to German
The nature of magic is transitory.Wunder der Magie - Vorzeichen der Vergänglichkeit 
English to German
this one cracks my noodledas haut mich aus den Socken/ das schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus. 
English to German
To be fleet of footAgir rapidement, agir de pied léger 
English to French
to play catch-upAufholjagd 
English to German
tour de tabletour de table, frank discussion 
French to English
Try this, it is my response to someone.Schau mal, das ist meine Antwort an jemand (an einen der Typen) 
English to German
tu n'en veux pasyou do not want any... 
French to English
ventle vent - the wind 
French to English
von Nagel zu NagelNail to nail 
German to English
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