Translation glossary: Terms

Showing entries 1-42 of 42
animaleriespet breeding farms 
French to English
arrondi commercialcommercial round-off 
French to English
assimilation à travail effectifsick leave considered as real time work 
French to English
attribution de juridictionattribution of jurisdiction 
French to English
cabine en génie civilBaucontainer, Baubaracke 
French to German
calculs de déformation de ces poutres porteusesmeasuring/calculating deformation on the supporting beam 
French to English
chapeau lutéhermetically closed crust 
French to English
crédit-preneurmortgagor - borrower 
French to English
de purete voisine de et assimilee a 100%close to and classified as 100 % pure 
French to English
elbow gesturegeste du "va de faire foutre" 
English to French
Spanish to English
en demande (le demandeur)the claimant 
French to English
entailles, trousgashes/nicks , holes... 
French to English
French to English
Faire assignerobtaining a writ 
French to English
English to French
in and toqui lui sont afférents 
English to French
in and toafférant 
English to French
French to English
jeunes profils commerciauxyoung sales professionals 
French to English
la demande de mainlevée de saisie conservatoirerequest for withdrawal of sequester 
French to English
légèrement juridiquepartially through legal proceedings 
French to English
legèrèment judiciaire, la liquidation des biens d'un associé personne moralepartially through legal proceedings.. 
French to English
les armatures en chapeautop bar 
French to English
litige et encaissementdisputes and recovery of debt(s) 
French to English
lower middle-classde condition modeste 
English to French
mediation user guideguide d'utilisateur pour le logiciel "Mediation" 
English to French
modèles d'annexe et garantiesBeispiele für Anlagen und Bürgschaften 
French to German
montages simples (sans table collaborante)easy (simple) assemblies .. 
French to English
French to English
pour compte propredealing as principal 
French to English
Pour la vérification du monolithisme du montage ...For the verification of the assembly monolithism.. 
French to English
private equity / funds of funds / advisory mandatesfinancement par capitaux privés /fonds de fonds/mandats consultatifs 
English to French
project teamgroupe de projet 
English to French
reconnunot disputed, accepted, known 
French to English
retour sommaireBack to index 
French to English
rooster vs. cockeither or 
task-orientedFaire face aux besoins. 
English to French
English to French
to do craftsbricoler 
English to French
visibility selective in the on-tradevisiblité sélective dans le 'on trade' 
English to French
water tablenappe phréatique 
English to French
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