Translation glossary: Finance

Showing entries 1-50 of 92
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"Tiger" - Ostasiatenthe East Asian Tigers 
German to English
...dwz mag afgehouden wordeni.e./meaning 
Dutch to English
3rd quarter results for [company name] plc - UrgentResultaten 3de kwartaal 
English to Dutch
a charge on the business assetsdoor bedrijfsactiva in borg te geven/te nemen//verpanding van bedrijfsactiva 
English to Dutch
Abzugssteueraftrekbare belasting/aftrekbelasting 
German to Dutch
German to Dutch
accumuler'accumuleren' / (be)houden 
French to Dutch
achterstallenseparate taxable late dues -->applicable ('separate') charges/taxes for late tax payment /dues 
Flemish to English
afbouwth: reduce, diminish, decrease etc 
Flemish to English
Aggregatenaccessories instead of aggregates 
German to English
aliquoten'aliquot' or 'pro rata contribution/refund' 
German to English
assetactif (financier) 
English to French
assets reconciliationreconciliatie van (de) activa 
English to Dutch
aufgebento state, to give the prices ( reasons, conditions, terms,...) 
German to English
awardh: (toegekende) bonusaandelen 
English to Dutch
basispuntenbasis points 
Dutch to English
BoordtabellenOutline tables 
Flemish to English
BPMcar and motor(ised) vehicle taxes / motoring taxes/ car use taxation,... 
Dutch to English
Bund-Load-Grantee-Sharpe-Vestinggrantee=adjudicataire + see below 
English to French
BV-CWithholding Tax - C (company car for private use) 
Dutch to English
call shareshet bedrijf heeft de mogelijkheid om een call-optie te 
English to Dutch
cheque conformadogecertificeerde cheque 
Spanish to Dutch
clearing bankclearing bank 
English to Dutch
collusion fraudcollusiefraude 
English to Dutch
Compounding / Flat compoundingcapitalisation 
English to French
compte nominatif pur...op een aandelenrekening op naam bij XXX 
French to Dutch
contracts for differencesoptiecontracten 
English to Dutch
courant bedrijfsresultaatoperating (company) result 
Dutch to English
courante winstoperating profit 
Dutch to English
deleveragezijn we in staat/kunnen we onze schulden herschikken 
English to Dutch
downgrades and defaultsdowngrades en defaults 
English to Dutch
droits de vote majoritairesdie hem een meerderheid van stemrechten verleent 
French to Dutch
durfkapitaalwereldworld of venture capital / venture capital world 
Dutch to English
e.Bankune banque virtuelle 
English to French
EBITDAEBITDA (winst vóór rente, belastingen en afschrijvingen) 
English to Dutch
encours de crédituitstaand krediet 
French to Dutch
eng geconsolideerd resultaatConsolidated result 
Dutch to English
erkende instelling van schuldbemiddelingrecognised/acknowledged debt mediation institution 
Dutch to English
exceptional items...het verlies vóór uitzonderlijke/exceptionele posten 
English to Dutch
exercise stock optionsaandelenopties uitoefenen 
English to Dutch
FIN(FIN = Fiscaal identificatienummer) Fiscal/Tax identification number 
Flemish to English
financial holdfinanciële borg 
English to Dutch
financial obligation ratioratio (van de) financiële schuld 
English to Dutch
finanční záležítost,finanční žadostfinancial affair/issue, finance request/request for finance 
Czech to English
Firmierungaccording to the official company statement 
German to English
German to English
G/L only receiptenkel te ontvangen in/via grootboek 
English to Dutch
government sponsored enterpriseune enterprise soutenue/commanditée par l'état 
English to French
higher beta areasDaardoor overtroffen de meer cyclische en hogere bèta-gebieden/sectoren van de markt de 
English to Dutch
holding faîtièreholding company 
French to English
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