Translation glossary: Medical

Showing entries 1-44 of 44
"patients treated by radiation and surgery, radiation alone, and surgery alonepacientes tratados con radiación y cirugía, sólo con radiación y sólo con cirugía 
English to Spanish
..."as expressed by carotid intima-media thickness"como lo predice/determina el espesor íntima-media carotídeo 
English to Spanish
affect cell-mediated immunitycomprometen la inmunidad celular 
English to Spanish
Alert fatigueFatiga causada por cuantiosas/excesivas alertas 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
as far as 3 to 5 cm...a una distancia de x de hasta 3 a 5 cm. 
English to Spanish
atomic write supportadmitir escritura atómica 
English to Spanish
“heavy” or loud breathingrespiración "pesada" o fuerte 
English to Spanish
Barrel shaped cuffBalón / Neumo 
English to Spanish
bordes bien afrontadoswell-approximated [wound] edges 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
dosage gaugesmedidores de dosis 
English to Spanish
extremidades eutróficaseutrophic extremities 
Spanish to English
favorecido por un bajo drenaje linfáticofacilitated by low lymphatic drainage 
Spanish to English
fovea de miembros inferiorespitting edema of the lower extremities 
Spanish to English
fresh organel órgano recién extraído 
English to Spanish
having a showPérdida del tapón mucoso / eliminación de los limos 
English to Spanish
Hueso yuxta-placathe relationship between growth plate and adjacent bone 
Spanish to English
Imagen cito a histológicacito-histological image 
Spanish to English
impregnación antibióticaadministration of antibiotics/antibiotic impregnantion/antibiotic therapy 
Spanish to English
Isquemia perinecrosisPerinecrotic Ischemia 
Spanish to English
IUsInternational Units = Unidades internacionales (UI) 
English to Spanish
Laguna celularcell lacuna 
Spanish to English
laps (context)rondas / ciclos / etapas 
English to Spanish
local arterial flowflujo arterial local 
English to Spanish
lymphatic collecting vesselsvasos linfáticos colectores 
English to Spanish
mejoría sintomática referidapatient reports improved symptoms 
Spanish to English
Ml range of movementnormal 
English to Spanish
negative dilute(resultado) negativo de una muestra diluida 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
payersAseguradoras / Pagadores 
English to Spanish
polifánpolifan (polyethylene/cellophane laminate) 
Spanish to English
postoperative settingscontexto/ambiente postoperatorio 
English to Spanish
primeras atenciones médicasPrehospital emergency care / treatment 
Spanish to English
responsable del tratamientoperson applying the treatment, therapist, etc 
Spanish to English
RNA standard exposed to RNaseARN expuesto a RNasa (Ribonucleasa) 
English to Spanish
Royal Dutch Association for the Advancement of PharmacyReal Asociación Holandesa para el Avance de la Farmacia 
English to Spanish
screen tracingrastreo por imagen 
English to Spanish
single view x-rayRadiografía simple de abdomen 
English to Spanish
Special RegistrarMédico especialista residente 
English to Spanish
su alteración no implicavalues outside this range do not indicate 
Spanish to English
vesícula reactivareactive (thickening of the) gallbladder 
Spanish to English
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