Translation glossary: Finance

Showing entries 1-11 of 11
English to French
Distribution prohibitionInterdiction de distribution 
English to French
greenfield projectsprojets entièrement nouveaux 
English to French
HR sign off all for changes in payroll detailsApprobation requise de la DRH pour la moindre modification concernant les paies 
English to French
liquid capital/excess liquiditycapitaux liquides / excès de liquidités 
English to French
post-clearance demand noteseffet à vue post-dédouanement 
English to French
Responsable fonctionnelOperations Manager 
French to English
Settlement Trailer FeeCommission de suivi du règlement 
English to French
to secure funds vs. to raise fundsgarantir des fonds / collecter des fonds 
English to French
total general aggregate limitun plafond total de 
English to French
unit certificate of the fundscertificat de parts du fonds 
English to French
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