Translation glossary: daveswords

Showing entries 1-50 of 359
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"to Ball a Melon"scoop out balls of fruit from a melon 
0/00per thousand 
Dutch to English
5-dagen ladersloaders on five-day shifts 
Dutch to English
a collective noun (or phrase) for people involved in a drama productioncompany / theatre company 
a friend of PatJohn is a friend of Pat 
a friend of PatJohn is a friend of Pat 
a goodwill write-offaccounting for a loss by writing goodwill off the accounts 
a positive version of "no names, no pack drill"No singling out, everbody's efforts equally appreciated' 
aan een zo beperkt mogelijk gehouden kostprijsto keep the cost as low as possible 
Dutch to English
aan te willen merkentake into account/consideration 
Dutch to English
aankomsttiteltitle of ownership 
Dutch to English
aankoopspread / verkoopspreadoffer spread / bid spread for unit trusts and suchlike 
Dutch to English
abridged - unabridgededition of book/version of software or unpublished book 
abstracte afroepgarantieabstract standby guarantee 
Dutch to English
afname van winstbestanddelendecrease in profit components [partially or wholly tax exempt] 
Dutch to English
afname van winstbestanddelendecrease in profit components [partially or wholly tax exempt or deductible] 
Dutch to English
afschrijven, afschrijvingin specific context: reconcile, reconciliation 
Dutch to English
afschrijven, afschrijvingin specific context: reconcile, reconciliation as in check off/checked off 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
arrangementnummerscheme [identification] number 
Dutch to English
as permitted by the relative agreement as licensee representswhich licensee, as a representative of licensor, 
auto(snel)wegenmotorways and dual carriageways 
Dutch to English
autoritair gevoeligsensitive to authority 
Dutch to English
back on linegoing according to plan again 
Bag me or shag me?arrest me or make love to me 
baggeroorlogdredger war (2001) [or mudslinging match generally speaking] 
Dutch to English
beelduitlijningpicture alignment 
Dutch to English
behandelend medewerkerstaff member handling [it] 
Dutch to English
beiden te dezer zake domicilie kiezende te Leidenboth giving an address for service of process in Leiden 
Dutch to English
belastbaarheidseisenstress resilience criteria 
Dutch to English
belegboekinvestment ledger 
Dutch to English
beleggingsverzekeringinvestment-linked insurance 
Dutch to English
Bericht van VergoedingRemittance Advice 
Dutch to English
betalingen voldoen/rekeningen betalenmake payment/settle accounts 
Dutch to English
bezoekersmotiefreason for visit 
Dutch to English
Dutch to English
bijschattingupward-adjustment of estimate 
Dutch to English
bijzondere lasten en beperkingenspecial charges and restrictions 
Dutch to English
blijkenis evidenced by 
Dutch to English
blijkenis evidenced by 
Dutch to English
borgmoersluit(en)retaining nut(s') clips/pins 
Dutch to English
bottle blondeperoxide blonde (from a bottle) 
Bouwgrensbuilding boundary 
Dutch to English
Bouwgrensbuilding boundary/building line 
Dutch to English
bronhoudersource data owner/holder 
Dutch to English
bronvergelijkingsource benchmarking 
Dutch to English
calamiteitenkamer Milieuenvironmental crisis centre 
Dutch to English
calamiteitenschakelingdisaster recovery fallback/cutover 
Dutch to English
captatieoutside broadcast live (video) recording/transmission 
Dutch to English
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