Translation glossary: Parliament EN-FR

Showing entries 251-300 of 492
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notice of ways and means motionavis de motion de voies et moyens 
English to French
Notice PaperFeuilleton des avis 
English to French
O'Brien and BoscO'Brien et Bosc 
English to French
oath of allegianceserment d'all�geance 
English to French
oath of officeserment d'office 
English to French
officer of Parliamenthaut fonctionnaire du Parlement 
English to French
Official OppositionOpposition officielle 
English to French
Official Report of DebatesCompte rendu official des d�bats 
English to French
omnibus billprojet de loi omnibus 
English to French
opening of Parliamentouverture d'une l�gislature 
English to French
opposed itemposte faisant l'objet d'une opposition 
English to French
opposition criticporte-parole de l'opposition 
English to French
opposition dayjour consacr� � l'opposition 
English to French
opposition partyparti de l'opposition 
English to French
oral question periodp�riode des questions orales 
English to French
Oral QuestionsQuestions orales 
English to French
order for returnordre de d�p�t de documents 
English to French
Order in Council appointmentnomination par d�cret 
English to French
Order in Councild�cret 
English to French
Order of BusinessOrdre des travaux 
English to French
Order of PrecedenceOrdre de priorit� 
English to French
order of referenceordre de renvoi 
English to French
Order Paper and Notice Paper at DissolutionFeuilleton et Feuilleton des avis � la dissolution 
English to French
Order PaperFeuilleton 
English to French
Orders of the DayOrdre du jour (2) 
English to French
English to French
organization meetingr�union d'organisation 
English to French
out of orderirrecevable 
English to French
English to French
English to French
Panel of ChairsComit� des pr�sidents 
English to French
parent actloi vis�e 
English to French
Parliament (1)l�gislature 
English to French
Parliament (2)Parlement 
English to French
Parliament of Canada ActLoi sur le Parlement du Canada 
English to French
parliamentary agentagent parlementaire 
English to French
parliamentary associationassociation parlementaire 
English to French
Parliamentary Budget Officerdirecteur parlementaire du budget 
English to French
parliamentary exchanges�changes parlementaires 
English to French
parliamentary feesdroits parlementaires 
English to French
parliamentary internstagiaire parlementaire 
English to French
Parliamentary Officers' Study ProgramProgramme d'�tudes des hauts fonctionnaires parlementaires 
English to French
Parliamentary Precinct�difices du Parlement 
English to French
parliamentary privilegeprivil�ge parlementaire 
English to French
Parliamentary Procedure and Practice in the Dominion of CanadaParliamentary Procedure and Practice in the Dominion of Canada 
English to French
parliamentary procedureproc�dure parlementaire 
English to French
parliamentary return�tat parlementaire 
English to French
Parliamentary Secretarysecr�taire parlementaire 
English to French
party disciplinediscipline de parti 
English to French
party votevote de parti 
English to French
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