Translation glossary: Parliament EN-FR

Showing entries 151-200 of 492
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fiscal yearexercice (financier) 
English to French
floor of the Houseparquet de la Chambre 
English to French
free conferenceconf�rence libre 
English to French
free votevote libre 
English to French
friendship groupgroupe d'amiti� 
English to French
front benchesbanquettes minist�rielles 
English to French
English to French
general election�lection g�n�rale 
English to French
Gentleman Usher of the Black Rodgentilhomme huissier du B�ton noir 
English to French
government billprojet de loi �manant du gouvernement 
English to French
government businessaffaires �manant du gouvernement 
English to French
government Memberd�put� du parti minist�riel 
English to French
government of the daygouvernement de l'�poque 
English to French
Government OrdersOrdres �manant du gouvernement 
English to French
English to French
Governor General's special warrantmandat sp�cial du gouverneur g�n�ral 
English to French
Governor Generalgouverneur g�n�ral 
English to French
Governor in Councilgouverneur en conseil 
English to French
grandfather clauseclause de droits acquis 
English to French
Great Seal of Canadagrand sceau du Canada 
English to French
green paperlivre vert 
English to French
English to French
English to French
English to French
high crime and misdemeanourhigh crime and misdemeanor 
English to French
House copy (of a bill)copie de la Chambre (d'un projet de loi) 
English to French
House Leaderleader � la Chambre 
English to French
House of Commons calendarcalendrier de la Chambre des communes 
English to French
House of Commons Procedure and Practiceproc�dure et les usages de la Chambre des communes, La 
English to French
House of CommonsChambre des communes 
English to French
House Officialhaut fonctionnaire de la Chambre 
English to French
householderbulletin parlementaire 
English to French
housekeeping motionmotion d'ordre administratif 
English to French
hybrid billprojet de loi hybride 
English to French
impute motivespr�ter des intentions 
English to French
independent Memberd�put� ind�pendant 
English to French
Information Commissionercommissaire � l'information 
English to French
inquiry of a committeeenqu�te d'un comit� 
English to French
instruction to a committeeinstruction � un comit� 
English to French
interim supplycr�dits provisoires 
English to French
interparliamentary delegationd�l�gation interparlementaire 
English to French
interparliamentary groupgroupe interparlementaire 
English to French
interpretation clausearticle d'interpr�tation 
English to French
introduction of a billpr�sentation d'un projet de loi 
English to French
invitation to appearinvitation � compara�tre 
English to French
English to French
in�camera�meetingr�union � huis clos 
English to French
English to French
joint addressadresse conjointe 
English to French
joint committeecomit� mixte 
English to French
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