Translation glossary: Parliament EN-FR

Showing entries 51-100 of 492
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Cabinet Ministerministre 
English to French
Cabinet solidaritysolidarit� minist�rielle 
English to French
English to French
Canada GazetteGazette du Canada 
English to French
Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsCharte canadienne des droits et libert�s 
English to French
casting votevoix pr�pond�rante 
English to French
English to French
censure motionmotion de bl�me 
English to French
certificate of electioncertificat d'�lection 
English to French
certificate of nominationcertificat proposant une nomination 
English to French
Chair of Committees of the Wholepr�sident des comit�s pl�niers 
English to French
English to French
English to French
Chief Electoral Officerdirecteur g�n�ral des �lections 
English to French
English to French
clause (of a bill)article (1) 
English to French
clause-by-clause study�tude article par article 
English to French
Clerk of Petitionsgreffier des p�titions 
English to French
Clerk of the HouseGreffier de la Chambre 
English to French
Clerk of the ParliamentsGreffier des Parlements 
English to French
Clerk of the SenateGreffier du S�nat 
English to French
English to French
Code of ConductCode de conduite 
English to French
coming-into-force clausedisposition de mise en vigueur 
English to French
Commissioner of Lobbyingcommissaire au lobbying 
English to French
Commissioner of Official Languagescommissaire aux langues officielles 
English to French
English to French
committee clerkgreffier de comit� 
English to French
committee hearingaudience de comit� 
English to French
Committee of Supplycomit� des subsides 
English to French
Committee of the Whole (House)comit� pl�nier 
English to French
committee stage (of a bill)�tape de l'�tude en comit� d'un projet de loi 
English to French
English to French
Compendium of House of Commons ProcedureCompendium de proc�dure de la Chambre des communes 
English to French
complicated motionmotion complexe 
English to French
concurrence (in a report)adoption d'un rapport 
English to French
confidence conventionconvention sur la confiance 
English to French
Conflict of Interest ActLoi sur les conflits d'int�r�ts 
English to French
Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissionercommissaire aux conflits d'int�r�ts et � l'�thique 
English to French
Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of CommonsCode r�gissant les conflits d'int�r�ts des d�put�s 
English to French
conflict of interestconflit d'int�r�ts 
English to French
consequential amendmentamendement corr�latif 
English to French
Consolidated Revenue FundTr�sor 
English to French
Constitution ActLoi constitutionnelle 
English to French
contempt of Parliamentoutrage au Parlement 
English to French
English to French
count outajournement faute de quorum 
English to French
cross the floorchanger de parti 
English to French
English to French
Daily Order of Businessordre quotidien des travaux 
English to French
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