
English translation: Objective

Lithuanian term or phrase:objektyviai
English translation:Objective
Entered by: Ramunas Kontrimas

08:25 Jul 19, 2016
Lithuanian to English translations [PRO]
Medical - Medical (general)
Lithuanian term or phrase: objektyviai
Gydytojų pažymose. Akivaizdus variantas 'objectively', bet gal yra kitaip?
Ramunas Kontrimas
Local time: 04:07
Objective: The second section of a SOAP note involves objective observations, which means factors you can measure, see, hear, feel or smell. This is the section where you should include vital signs, such as pulse, respiration and temperature. Information from a physical exam including color and any deformities felt should also be included. Results of diagnostic tests, such as lab work and x-rays can also be reported in the objective section of the SOAP notes.
Selected response from:

Inga Jokubauske
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:07
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Ačiū, Inga, už pagalbą
4 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer

Summary of answers provided
Inga Jokubauske
Rita Vaicekonyte

Discussion entries: 2



13 hrs   confidence: Answerer confidence 4/5Answerer confidence 4/5

Objective: The second section of a SOAP note involves objective observations, which means factors you can measure, see, hear, feel or smell. This is the section where you should include vital signs, such as pulse, respiration and temperature. Information from a physical exam including color and any deformities felt should also be included. Results of diagnostic tests, such as lab work and x-rays can also be reported in the objective section of the SOAP notes.

    Reference: http://www.physio-pedia.com/SOAP_Notes
    Reference: http://www.gapmedics.com/blog/2015/01/02/understanding-soap-...
Inga Jokubauske
United Kingdom
Local time: 02:07
Specializes in field
Native speaker of: Native in LithuanianLithuanian
PRO pts in category: 30
Grading comment
Ačiū, Inga, už pagalbą
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14 hrs   confidence: Answerer confidence 4/5Answerer confidence 4/5

Pvz., frazėse "objektyviai įvertinti paciento būklę", "objektyviai nustatyti xxx", "objektyviai įvertinus" - to objectively assess the condition of the patient, to objectively determine xxx, having objectively assessed...

Čia paprasčiausias prieveiksmis vartojamas taip pat, kaip ir lietuvių kalboje.

Anglakalbėse šalyse populiari SOAP pacientų med. dokumentacija/ligos istorija šifruojama kaip Subjective, Objective, Assessment ir Plan (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/SOAP_note). Subjective skiltyje nustatomi subjektyvūs parametrai, tokie, kaip paciento svoris, ūgis, kraujospūdis, tyrimų duomenys ir pan. Jei reikia versti "objektyviai", atitikmuo - "objectively", nes būdvardis pavirsta prieveiksmiu.

Rita Vaicekonyte
Specializes in field
Native speaker of: Native in LithuanianLithuanian, Native in EnglishEnglish
PRO pts in category: 74
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