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Search results: (28 matches)
Powwows Powwow: Helsinki - Finland I have reserved a table at my name, I said we would be 8-10 pax. I'll try to remember
to take a paper with POWWOW written on it. I'll
wear glasses, a grey shirt and blue jeans, if this
helps... And I look like my profile pic
Clara Chassany May 6, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Helsinki - Finland Thank you all for your interest :) Joseann, I proposed to meet around 8 pm. The
Steam Bar is in the city center, right next to
Kamppi, it's a 5 minutes walk from the Central
Railway Station. It's a informal meeting, so it'
Clara Chassany Apr 18, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Helsinki - Finland Casual meeting in Helsinki Hi, I just moved to Helsinki and it would be
nice to meet fellow translators. What about some
drinks in the city center, in the Steam Bar
(Olavinkatu 1) next to Kamppi, on Saturday 6th o
Clara Chassany Apr 16, 2017
Powwows Powwow: Granada - Spain Tapas Hola, después de casi una década en Granada,
ha venido el momento de despedirme.. Estaba
pensando en unas tapillas el sábado 18, sobre las
13, en el bar Higo (c/Horno del Hoyo, a 5 m
Clara Chassany Feb 27, 2017
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Idioma de las facturas Y emito todas mis facturas en inglés, hace pocos meses tuve una inspección de Hacienda
y el inspector dijo que todo estaba en regla.
Supongo que depende del funcionario de Hacienda
que te toque en caso de inspección.
Clara Chassany Aug 31, 2016
Money matters Rates for transcription Just to give you an idea, it takes me approximatively 1 hour to transcribe 5
min of audio, from French to French (my native
language), with a clear source of audio and a
general subject. I guess some people are
Clara Chassany Aug 17, 2016
Getting established Freelance translator in Finland? Thanks for the link :) Clara Chassany Aug 9, 2016
Getting established Freelance translator in Finland? Thank you! Thanks a lot for your advise Tiina, it's very
helpful :)
Clara Chassany Aug 9, 2016
Getting established Freelance translator in Finland? Thank you! Hi Pete, thank you very much for taking time
to answer me and for the precise information! I
appreciate it a lot. Now I understand better
what the tax situation is. :)
Clara Chassany Aug 9, 2016
Getting established Freelance translator in Finland? Hi, I have been a freelance translator in
Spain for 5 years and I am considering moving to
Finland. (I am half Finnish so I have the finnish
nationality.) Does anyone know what are
Clara Chassany Aug 8, 2016
Translation Theory and Practice transcription - how to ask the client Hello Valérie, I would suggest you to ask the
client what he wants exactly, there are many types
of transcription and basically it all depends on
the context it will be used afterward
Clara Chassany Sep 29, 2013
Powwows Powwow: Granada - Spain el llano de la perdiz? Hola! Me encanta la idea de un picnic! :) Lo
primero que me viene a la cabeza es el LLano de la
Perdiz (el monte detrás de la Alhambra), es un
sitio muy bonito con vistas al a Sierra
Clara Chassany May 9, 2013
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Facturar por parte de terceros en España Muchas gracias por vuestras respuestas! Le expliquaré a mi aimga como darse de alta,
será más simple en efecto.
Clara Chassany Mar 12, 2013
Translation in Spain / La traducción en España Facturar por parte de terceros en España Hola, tengo una pregunta: si facturo por parte
de alguien, ¿que consecuencias esto tiene para
mi? Me explico: Tengo una amiga a quien le
ha salido un proyecto de traducción de
Clara Chassany Mar 11, 2013 translation industry wiki Approaches used in determining payment for translation projects Way too low rate I think this is really too low, even for a very
easy source text! In my opinion, the problem is
that it is a huge project, so basically you won't
be available for weeks because of this
Clara Chassany Nov 28, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Paris - France Which day is this PowWow? Forget my question, I just saw it was the 20th of

[Edited at 2012-11-27 12:00

[Edited at 2012-11-27 12:00 GMT]
Clara Chassany Nov 27, 2012
Powwows Powwow: Granada - Spain me apunto! :) - Clara Chassany Oct 17, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever offered your client a discount for fast payment? I never get discount for paying my bills at the moment I receive them , so why should I make discount ? Yet I am
starting to think I should definitely charge more
for late payments, as it seems that the new trend
is paying late...
Clara Chassany Sep 19, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: What kind of computer do you use for work? A Mac laptop I definitely prefer a laptop because I can easily
travel with it and work anywhere. And I know my
Mac won't let me down, at this point I couldn't
get used to a PC anymore, a Mac is more ef
Clara Chassany Jul 13, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you like to have a smartphone application? If I had a smartphone I guess I would like to have a Proz app. Assuming it would allow to see the posted jobs and
directly send quotes.
Clara Chassany Jun 20, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: In which areas do you principally undertake CPD (Continuing Professional Development)? CPD is essential in many professions, but I think in translation it is more necessary
than in others. World and languages are changing
fast, and it's a lot of work to stay up to date. I
can't make up my mind about what is more
Clara Chassany Jun 18, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever worked on a translation project that made you smile? Actually it was a transcription project A market study, one of the interviewed guests was
just hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing during
the whole project.
Clara Chassany Jun 16, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you give up your "freelance" status to an "in-house" position if requested? It would depend on my situation If I would earn more as an in-house translator I
would accept the job, as the non-regular work as a
freelancer is sometimes hard to deal with.
Supposing I would earn more or less the same
Clara Chassany Jun 10, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your profile customized for non-English languages? No... ...but it should be. I will work on it soon. Clara Chassany Jun 9, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a license, certificate or degree in a profession outside of translation/interpretation? Yes and I would keep studying if I could First I got simultaneously a Bachelor's degree in
Finnish Philology and a degree in Russian
Philology, then I studied Art History during one
year, after this I got a Higher National Diplom
Clara Chassany Jun 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Which demand most often excludes you from jobs for which you would otherwise qualify? Price and deadline goes without saying A translation project paid let's say 0.01USD/word
(I don't exaggerate I have seen offers like this)
is something I take as a joke, the same goes for
impossible deadlines. Localisation i
Clara Chassany Jun 6, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: With which file format do you most prefer to work? Good old Word Until now it's the easiest format to handle for
Clara Chassany Jun 5, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you convert the currency when translating? Depends of the context As said before, it is not my task as a translator,
so I would do it only if the client would ask me
to. Depending on the target audience, I might
convert the currency of the target country
Clara Chassany May 31, 2012

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