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Search results: (715 matches)
Business issues Comment about horrible agency... Proz is not the only reference If the Proz BlueBoard is not reflecing the bad
payment practices you experienced (maybe they have
thousands of translators and only problems with a
few...) there are other sources on Inter
Edward Vreeburg Jun 25, 2009
Business issues Changing the rate after work is done? Nice try, Well if their accounting made a mistake, let them
pay for it. You are the translator, the work was
done on an agreed rate, WHERE IN THE WORLD can you
pay less after the work has been deliv
Edward Vreeburg Jun 25, 2009
Business issues Client ratings of translation agencies I already see fives everywhere on Proz, many translators give a rating of 5 to
the agencies they work for. Now of course many of
them are really good, pay on time, give exellent
support and everything... but I dount th
Edward Vreeburg Jun 19, 2009
French Rythme de traduction et salaire Désolé repons en Anglais Sorry , just replying in English. I have worked
inhouse for serveral agencies and they do expect
around 2000 words a day in the Netherlands. Salary
is somewhere between 2200 - 2500 euros a
Edward Vreeburg Jun 15, 2009
Dutch Ontslagen: 100% zelfstandig vertaler worden? starten met een bijbaantje? In mijn beginperiode heb ik naast het vertaalwerk
ook voor uitzendbureaus gewerkt en in call
centers, dan ben je in iedergeval verzekerd en heb
je toch een inkomen, ook al zou je direct ee
Edward Vreeburg Jun 12, 2009
Business issues (Direct) clients who ask to drop documents off at your home it all depends on how much business they generate If they generate enough income, I would try to
meet on natural ground, local coffee shop (not the
Dutch version), business center or something. At
the "home" offices I worked for had no p
Edward Vreeburg Jun 11, 2009
Wordfast support Where is my glossary? WfMemory.Itx and .Txt By default it's something with WfMemory.Itx and
.Txt Hope it helps Ed
Edward Vreeburg Jun 10, 2009
Safe computing I receive emails that I have a poor IP address Barracuda seems OK Check out
They seem OK, when I login I see a perfectly
believable website in Dutch (but that would be
the idea if they where to con
Edward Vreeburg Jun 9, 2009
Internet for translators Has anyone heard of this school/institute? Global Translation Institute / (CTP Program) never heard of them But I'm not up to date in this field of online
training at all. It does look like they are more
interested in "the test" and the way you can pay
for it and what refunds are available, than
Edward Vreeburg Jun 9, 2009
German Wordfast-Dateien in Trados verwenden? try importing Importing is a little trickier but poses no
problem, once you know what follows. Basically,
Trados does not "Open" a TMX file, but "Imports"
it into an existing TM. So you would first need
Edward Vreeburg Jun 8, 2009
Being independent Taking mini retirements, can I do it and continue successfully? 4 hour work week If yiu closed shop for a couple of weeks / months,
you clients will at some point have to contact
another translator. Obviously he/she cannot be as
good as you are (since you have done sev
Edward Vreeburg Jun 8, 2009
Office applications Tips and suggestions needed for translating comments in source code don't know about Japan... ...but programmers are generally lazy and very bad
linguists, They do not like to make comments in
code. And if they do it's usually for their own
use, and totally incomprehensible to
Edward Vreeburg Jun 5, 2009
Dutch Brutale vraag over inkomen. vrouwen? LOI? vrouwen? LOI? Daar gaat deze post toch niet om,
maar goed... (ik ben wel een man. dus heb ik
misschien geen recht van spreken) Ik has zowiezo
al het idee dat er veel meer vrouwelijk v
Edward Vreeburg Jun 5, 2009
Dutch Brutale vraag over inkomen. alle begin is idd moeilijk Ik had hetzelfde idee, hoe harder ik werkte hoe
rijker mijn baas werd, en ging dus "over" van
IT-er (met IT-salaris) naar vertaler als ZZP'er (
zelfstandige zonder poen)... uiteindelijk is
Edward Vreeburg May 26, 2009
Dutch Slechtste woordenboeken hwah.... Ik heb nog ergens een 11 talig europees wdb hwah.... Ik heb nog ergens een 11 talig europees
woordenboek van de Slegte, ooit gekocht voor 2,50
of zo, er staan ENORM veel termen in, maar gek
genoeg nooit het woord dat ik zoek.... maa
Edward Vreeburg May 26, 2009
Translator resources SAP virtual client ? (Dutch -> English) I'm not actually using the SAP Translation portal ... simply a SAP client, but I have to look up
everything each time... An excel sheet or
database with reference field codes would be
nice... Or something where I don't have to key
Edward Vreeburg Apr 23, 2009
Translator resources SAP virtual client ? (Dutch -> English) Hi everybody, I continue to have "problems"
translating Dutch (the Netherlands) SAP documents
into English. I am currently working on a
document describing all sorts of reports in SAP.
Edward Vreeburg Apr 23, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice I just saved and closed a document without saving it first to a folder-- how can I find it again? open it again, see where it is saved It's all too late now, but if you open the same
doc again from your email and use "save as" (BUT
DO NOT SAVE IT!!) it will give you a location
like LOKKA5 then go up 1 directory and you
Edward Vreeburg Apr 21, 2009 France events Rémunération de conférenciers ...j'ai envie... ... J’ai envie de partager... So it's for
pleasure to show/share your knowledge... Or is it
a way to make money and expand your horizons,
business activities... Even if you don't ma
Edward Vreeburg Apr 20, 2009
Linguistics Kinyarwanda translation help anyyhing in here? just
guessing... Maybe it would help if you put
forward your own ideas first and ask for
Edward Vreeburg Apr 20, 2009
Safe computing Bitdefender, Wordfast and kukudro virus uninstall WordFast What about - uninstallng WordFast - you don't use
it on a daily basis anyway - then run BitDefender
again - if still problems remove WordFast
manually Or find a cure from any other A
Edward Vreeburg Apr 20, 2009
Dutch Startende freelancer eenmanszaak Hi Iza, You cannot chose to be a ZZP'er
probably, see
ng_starten_stoppen.html select starterspakket -
downloaden handboek onderne
Edward Vreeburg Apr 20, 2009
Money matters Please help with rates for lit. translation German-English how much is it worth for the client?? What use would it be to you to take this job at
say 0,05 euro / source word? If your regular job
can make you 0,10 / source word - you onnly need
to translate 50.000 words instead of
Edward Vreeburg Apr 20, 2009
French Plate-forme de coopération tant mieux aha! Bon dans ce cas, OUI je suis TRES intéressé
de joindre vos efforts. Je suis tout pour des
tarifs plus élève, mais ca va être très dur a
enforcir, pour un traducteur 0,10 est acc
Edward Vreeburg Apr 14, 2009
French Plate-forme de coopération low prices? Hi Eric, It seems with a pricing stucture of
1,80 - 3.50 you are already on the low side for
Switserland, according to an earlier post on Proz:
Edward Vreeburg Apr 14, 2009
Translator resources Need English from/to Brazilian Portuguese resources for various topics what about a dictionary?
English-English-Portuguese-ROM/dp/0785995501 Ba
sically you are asking references, examples and
everything else on any type of officia
Edward Vreeburg Apr 14, 2009
Dutch vertaling van een boek tegen een "schappelijke prijs" waarschijnlijk een nachtmerrie... Je hebt al een aantal indicaties van mogelijke
grote problemen: "schappelijke prijs", "rijk
geillustreerd" (=geen woordcount) en een collega
die zegt dat het uiteindelijk "vrij laag betaal
Edward Vreeburg Apr 14, 2009
Money matters Rates Too Low? Any tools to find out? The tool is only a global indication It does seem on the low side, if you compare the
average rate to the "supposedly accepted rates" in
the country (in my case the Netherlands)... So I
suspect low-rate countries are seriousl
Edward Vreeburg Apr 8, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! Bruce Spingsteen? [quote]Ob sein Nachname "BOSS" echt ist, habe ich
noch nicht verifiziert. [/quote] Der BOSS
repariert Ihren Washertrochner fur 45,87
euro...?? Sieht so aus als auch Amerikanischer
Edward Vreeburg Apr 7, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! kostenloss Du hast Recht! Ich habe es dieses Mahl nicht
gemacht, er war ein "neue Kunde", und er braucht
Chinese, Danish, German, Dutch, Finnish,
Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish fur
Edward Vreeburg Apr 7, 2009
German Arme Übersetzer! Rauf mit den Honoraren! frites dabei? Ich habe gerade einen "Kunde" gefragt was ich mit
mein Honorar anfangen wurde.. 170 Worter @ 0,03
USD macht 5.10 (3,84 euro !) Eine Kafee und ein
Edward Vreeburg Apr 7, 2009
Money matters Work on site for three/four days day rate in any case Well your work is good enough that they want you
on site for whatever reason, so they should pay
for a daily rate, even if you just have to sit
there and listen to somebody talk about thei
Edward Vreeburg Mar 30, 2009
Money matters Work on site for three/four days how much is it worth for the client?? Well apart from what is it worth to you to be away
from your home office and potentially miss out on
some great new projects for other clients... How
much is it worth to your client to ha
Edward Vreeburg Mar 30, 2009
Dutch tolk Nederlandse gebarentaal (NGT): ervaringen met opleidingen en beroepsmogelijkheden? zelf geen ervaring mee... ...maar ik doe af en toe wel eens wat voor
Swedoro, en dat is de Stichting Welzijn Doven
Rotterdan e.o., dus die kunnen je vast vertellen
wat hun ervaring is met doventolken, bovendien
Edward Vreeburg Mar 30, 2009
Business issues Company trying to deduct 25% of the word count AFTER the fact immediate BB entry I'd make an immediate BB entry even simply for
trying this, and there are other sites we are
almost all members off so placing a warning there
with your experience is something you can do
Edward Vreeburg Mar 27, 2009
Getting established who decides for translations in a company? everybody and nobody ... Big companies might even have a transaltion
department, or a documentation department, or a
fixed contract with a translation agency (or
two)... That doesn't mean they do not need
Edward Vreeburg Mar 27, 2009
French Validité du bon de commande I think not Salut Frederique, I rarely receive signed POs
from my French clients, but I have been working
with them for a while alrready... For new clients
I would ask how they normally do it (sign
Edward Vreeburg Mar 27, 2009
Off topic European Journey Visting Europe Well Europe is a big place, and I'm of no use,
because I live in the Netherlands. My kid is 10
(bilingual French - Dutch + a little
English... (and he's off to Togo this summer with
Edward Vreeburg Mar 26, 2009
French Quelqu'un a déjà traduit des cartes de souhaits? as always ... it depends I sometimes help out a friend with his artistic
cards.. There the image is more important than
the text, so they are quite easy to
translate. However these:
Edward Vreeburg Mar 26, 2009
Being independent Worldwide crisis = higher demand for translation services? Higher rates to save money! Yep pretty much what I've seen sofar, People
are shopping around to find new (and cheaper? or
better?) translators and are willing to pay top
dollar (better make that euros) for top qua
Edward Vreeburg Feb 27, 2009
Linguistic diversity Video games into Arapaho for language survival lots of endangered languages Hi Emilie, There was a posting a few days ago
saying that there where many endangered languages,
and I guess some are beyond saving (imagine a
small group of 90+ people getting on a gam
Edward Vreeburg Feb 26, 2009
Linguistic diversity Translation into Global English international english - or simply 2nd language English? Is it really another language or simply a mix of
literally translated additions from their
mothertongue to 2nd grade English they learnt in
school? I will see it through the fingers (I
Edward Vreeburg Feb 20, 2009
Trados support Buying notebook - hardware and software questions (follow-up) and another thing... I've noticed that most laptops and notebooks
nowadays actually develop a lot of heat... so if
you plan to type for hours or actually try to put
it on your lap, make sure you get one that t
Edward Vreeburg Feb 13, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Leiden - Netherlands kerken in Leiden Hi Henk, De kerken in leiden zijn volgens mij:
De Hartebrugkerk op de Haarlemmerstraat en
De Hooglandse
kerk (overigens
Welcome to the site of
Edward Vreeburg Feb 11, 2009
Being independent Is ProZ the right place to advertize agencies? hmmmm But how would potential end-users find Proz to
begin with, a quick test in Dutch with "fast
translation document" gives me a list of local
agencies but not Proz. Similar other keywords
Edward Vreeburg Feb 9, 2009
Dutch Cursus Ondernemen voor Vertalers ... die wouter.... Hmwah, Nou heb ik het persoonlijk toch al niet
op de duidelijkheid en leesbaarheid van het
materiaal van de LOI, maar goed, als je leest wat
er in wordt behandeld kan je al een beetje
Edward Vreeburg Feb 9, 2009
Subtitling [Subtitling Rates] Price for translating and editing subtitles german to serbian quick guide to subtitling Hi Vulkan, Let's start with the 2nd question
first, "quickly learn how to do anything" (driving
a car, open heart surgery, build a nuclear
powerplant, parachuting etc... usually means
Edward Vreeburg Feb 9, 2009
Money matters Another rate reduction, but agency expects more jobs to come in by the way : YOU ARE A SPECIALIST I just read your CV, there is no reason to be
insecure, you are a specialst with lots of
experience, a solid education and professional
training ! Ed P.S. for our language
Edward Vreeburg Jan 22, 2009
Money matters Another rate reduction, but agency expects more jobs to come in Lower rates ? Naaah doe maar niet Hi Marion, You are in the same pond as I am it
seems, English/French -> Dutch and IT
specialst. Over the last year I lost some clients
and gained many new ones. And the ones I received
Edward Vreeburg Jan 22, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Funny brandnames not so much a brand name but a product: Slagroomtaart Especially the ones from the HEMA in the
Netherlands: "Slagroomtaart" always made our
British colleagues really wonder what Dutchies
would eat on their birthdays... Ed
Edward Vreeburg Jan 21, 2009

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