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Search results: (715 matches)
Linguistics How would you define "respect" I'm Dutch I guess being direct, on firstname basis with any
boss or manager, tutoyer au lieu de vous-voyer and
saying all kinds of bad words in English, makes me
look very disprespectfull in the eye
Edward Vreeburg Oct 19, 2009 job systems Allow site members/users to rate each job posting With Eleftherios Kritikakis on this one The current Blue Board should already give an
indication of agency (and the jobs), simply have
wonderful communication does not make it a 5 star
agency, interesting projects, good deadline
Edward Vreeburg Oct 16, 2009
Getting established addressing direct clients through "old-fashioned" mailing hearsay I've heard a Dutch agency just send 1 single (VERY
GOOD) letter, they worked on and revised for
several months to all their potential and existing
clients, and they still receive feedback
Edward Vreeburg Oct 16, 2009
Interpreting Rate advice pls - almost 3 full days interpreting alone! astronomical amount? Looks like you've landed a really big job, with
lots of hours on a very important
level.. Baiscally a lot will depend on your
skills - if it where in Europe, an agency would
cost ab
Edward Vreeburg Oct 16, 2009
Dutch bagger!! Proz in het Nederlands BEDANKT!!! Pfew, dat scheelt even zeg, mijn goeie oude
Engelse Proz weer terug.... : ) Ed
Edward Vreeburg Oct 16, 2009
Dutch bagger!! Proz in het Nederlands OK lekker hoor - is de hele Proz site opeens in
het Nederlands, leuk maar ik zie er het nut niet
van in (voornamelijk omdat 20% nog steeds Engels
is) - - weet iemand hoe ik de standaard En
Edward Vreeburg Oct 16, 2009
Getting established how to improve take a second look Hi Lisa, Take a piece of work you translated 6
months or year ago and see if you would make a
different translation now ( that you are
more experienced, that you know more
Edward Vreeburg Oct 14, 2009
Business issues Steps before accepting a freelance jobs and receiving payments ask for a PO before starting the job in order to ensure a constant stream of happy
clients, deliver a constant high level of quality
at a reasonable price - do not translate outsite
of your skill set.... Ed
Edward Vreeburg Oct 13, 2009
Business issues Completing the package by offering additional services it all depends.... Of course we can offer additional services,
languages, printing, optimising for the web, SEO
and all sorts of other services - one stop shop -
but realisitically, if my clients are in the
Edward Vreeburg Oct 13, 2009
Money matters Daily rate for translation oops - external (temp) secretaries [/quote] Alex Lago I don't know any secretary
that costs a company 6000 euros a month.
[/quote] Sorry, those are of course
externally hired (temp) secretaries, I work onsite
Edward Vreeburg Oct 12, 2009
Money matters Daily rate for translation higher!! Even at 300,- a day you are still only costing
37,50 an hour, which means you are probably
cheaper than any secretary this company needs to
hire externally... If this is a long term
Edward Vreeburg Oct 12, 2009
Off topic Do I have to be a member? Hi Lisa If you are a translator you should definately
become a member, the Blue Board allows you to
check out potential clients so you can see if they
are thrustworthy or not. I inscribed muself
Edward Vreeburg Oct 9, 2009
Money matters How long does it take you to work out a quote? if i have the file? < 10 seconds Word count / determine complexity
and check deadline - Presto ! you can have your
quote. On the phone: please send me your file,
new clients +0,02 cent on my basic rate..
Edward Vreeburg Oct 8, 2009
Money matters Agency prices – De & En to Ro, Bg, Cz, Pl, Hu please explain You are obviously looking for some answer, but
there is no look-up table for this kind of thing,
what kind of information are you looking for, What
agencies charge end users? What translat
Edward Vreeburg Oct 8, 2009
Dutch Is ProZ lidmaatschap de moeitewaard helemaal eens met 1-Fach Uitbuiting, schandalig, moord en brand, maar goed
dan moeten we ook eens kritisch naar onszelf
kijken - we helpen zelf ook collega's die op Kudoz
echt de meest eenvoudige vragen stellen -
Edward Vreeburg Oct 6, 2009
Money matters Odd question to a client: How much do you owe me? Fixed fee? I see a little what your problem is, I regularly
work on Market Research Questionnaires and "they"
tend to modify the questions and answers depending
on the feedback they get from the tran
Edward Vreeburg Oct 6, 2009
Dutch loon vertaler in loondienst in Nederland eeeh ... haal er maar 1000 euro van af... met 2500 kom je meer in de buurt denk
ik..... (voor "gewone" vertalers) Ed
Edward Vreeburg Oct 5, 2009
Getting established how can I get more experience? luck ? Hi Melinda, I guess the big european markter
research companies have all selected their own
agencies to work with.. so contacting an end-user
might be a waste of time. You can however
Edward Vreeburg Oct 1, 2009
Money matters Help! Non-paying agency! I thought it was somebody from eastern europe... ... that said "it's a shame all the agencies in
our country are frauds - except for us". It's
always good to check (and double check) new client
for "well paid" jobs: Blue board, paymen
Edward Vreeburg Sep 29, 2009
Wordfast support Saving a translated file back to PPT/Open Office 5.53q "probably classic" 5.53q --"probably classic", I've had it for some
time and I like the way it works... Ed
Edward Vreeburg Sep 28, 2009
Wordfast support Saving a translated file back to PPT/Open Office what I do.. I open the PPT, click somewhere on the first
slide, I open Word, start WordFast and
presto! I get to see the phrase from the PPT in
Word, and each time a section is done, WordFast
Edward Vreeburg Sep 28, 2009
Getting established Thanks for this site Bom dia Rony! And welcome to the Proz.... I hope you can find
some good English lessons there soon, maybe
another member can recommend something? === Ed
Edward Vreeburg Sep 25, 2009
Interpreting Translaters/Interpreters of not widely spoken languages Native Turkish So as native Turkish you should be able to
interpret into Turkish from any country which does
a great deal of trade with Turkey. Select a field
which requires a lot of talk (finances, poli
Edward Vreeburg Sep 25, 2009
Money matters Non-payment issues learning experience? So you have little experience, proposed a low rate
and you spend the "majority of the week" on a
20.000 word translation... Even if you where
really good 20.000 in less than a week is quit
Edward Vreeburg Sep 25, 2009
Dutch Is ProZ lidmaatschap de moeitewaard Tarieven (opnieuw) Een flink aantal van de jobs op Proz zijn idd
absoluut niet de moeite waard als je een beetje
redelijke tarieven wilt aanhouden... Maar soms
levert het wel een nieuwe klant op die zo af e
Edward Vreeburg Sep 24, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Do you translate "into" or "out of"? to quote Willy Brandt "If I am selling to you I will speak English, but
if you are selling to me, dan mussen sie Deutsch
sprechen." Willy Brandt, Former Chancellor of West
Germany. Then again you would "norm
Edward Vreeburg Sep 22, 2009
German Tarife für die Übersetzung eines Comic strips Ein Test? (ich hatte es versucht ins Fransozisch zu
antworten aber Franzosich zo wie Deutsch sind
nicht meine Muttersprachen) Mach ein Test von 1
oder 2 zeiten, wie lange brauchen Sie
Edward Vreeburg Sep 22, 2009
Business issues France vs UK: where is the best place to be based? drive on the other side of the road ....? Ed Edward Vreeburg Sep 18, 2009
Dutch Welke laptop moet ik aanschaffen? Asus = OK Ik heb zelf twee ASUS-machines gekocht vorig jaar,
gewoon omdat dat de enige waren waarvan het
toetsenbord niet warm werden als ze een paar uur
aanstonden... Even "handoplegging" in de win
Edward Vreeburg Sep 18, 2009
Localization Localization rates: Software and websites as always ... it depends what software (game vs operation manual for a
nuculear power plan) what website (webshop vs
onl;ine accounting program) which volumes (100
words of 100.000 words) which deadlines (<
Edward Vreeburg Sep 16, 2009
Linguistics Why can software not do an acceptable translation from English into Arabic and vice versa? because If you have to explain it, the rates are probably
not worth it... look up " all your base belong
to us" or " translation error" or this article:
Edward Vreeburg Sep 15, 2009
Marketing for language professionals My Profile, Your Brutal Truth whatever.. In my opinion: It reads like a book, if I am
looking for a translator, I do not want to know
where he grew up, what his favourite ice cream was
and whether or not he had a red bicycle..
Edward Vreeburg Sep 15, 2009
Business issues How has the economic crisis influenced the translation market? June-July slow as always But this year I've seen many requests from new
clients, it seems like people cannot afford to
deliver bad quality anymore... So they are looking
for better translators, at reaonable prices
Edward Vreeburg Sep 15, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Translating a book-newbie Id' be really surprised if you could get away with that [quote]Sorriso wrote: The book is 110 000
words!!! May I apply 0.09 GBP per surce word? Is
it reasonable? Uff, I am so confused...
[/quote] If you could charge that it would be
Edward Vreeburg Sep 15, 2009
Money matters salary of an in-house editor in the UK The UK is a big place... It really depends on a lot of different variables,
and most of it is not just your job the
responsibilities and teh company, but the cost of
living / housing
etc... See: http://www
Edward Vreeburg Sep 15, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Translating a book-newbie trust your instincts If you think this is odd - it probably is, OR you
just got incredibly lucky... Depending on the
size of the book (and the amount of work) you
probably could ask for an advance, partial<
Edward Vreeburg Sep 14, 2009
Marketing for language professionals Does my pic make me look "too young?" perhaps (funny question though) ... you never know... On the small version it
does look like a school outfit a little, but on
the larger picture in your profile you look a bit
older. Would it keep me from hiring y
Edward Vreeburg Sep 14, 2009
Getting established Suggestions needed...Reorganizing and adding to my CV in a concise manner maybe update your profile too some people might not even have the time to
download your CV: "Specialties: See my
detailed information. I have certain areas of
interest and "sub-specialties" within these
Edward Vreeburg Sep 14, 2009
Dutch SAP woordenlijst mosterd na de maaltijd... Ik heb hier wel nog een SAP dictionary in het D FR
EN I en ES, helaas zit NL daar niet bij. Maar ik
kan hier onsite wel een SAP client voor je
opstarten, als je iets speciaals
Edward Vreeburg Sep 11, 2009
Dutch Is ProZ lidmaatschap de moeitewaard Ik zeg "doen" Het hangt natuurlijk een beetje van je
specialiteit af, maar Proz is het zeker waard, als
lid sta je net even boven de niet-betalende leden,
en aangezien er nogal wat E-N vertalers zijn i
Edward Vreeburg Sep 10, 2009
Money matters IT contractor to Translator? No (2) well, 90 K GPB is a lot of money, and perhaps I
will reach 89 K EUR this year, but then I started
in 2002 (also with an IT background, and also
thinking "why do I work with computers",
Edward Vreeburg Sep 10, 2009
Business issues Pay to Verify PayPal account? I got the following answer(s) from that specific agency: Standard answer from
"FAQ" We ask for the payment of the $1 in order
to link your profile to a valid Paypal account, so
we can pay you for your translations.
Edward Vreeburg Sep 10, 2009
Dutch beun de haas of opleiding ? paar handige sites: Voor meer info over Auto Entrepreneur: laatste
nieuwsbrief van http://iate.europa
.eu http:/
Edward Vreeburg Sep 10, 2009
Dutch beun de haas of opleiding ? vertaler / specialist Natuurlijk is het handig als je als vertaler iets
van een opleiding genoten hebt, maar als
specialist op het gebied en ervaring in een
bepaalde sector (je kent de terminologie die wordt
Edward Vreeburg Sep 10, 2009
Dutch Vertaalworkshops voor creatieve vertalers N-E en E-N Altijd leuk, verrassend en
leerzaam: Ed ===== Beste collega, Het
nieuwe Teamworkseizoen is begonnen. Dit jaar
starten we met een reeks hands-on workshops voor
creatieve verta
Edward Vreeburg Sep 10, 2009
Office applications Word 2003 files just grow and grow Word stores the changes Word actually stores all changes in the
document So if you copy over text, correct it, or
run it through a translation software, all text
(and images?) have been "touched", and the file<
Edward Vreeburg Sep 9, 2009
Business issues Pay to Verify PayPal account? Did exactly that It was a mail back in June
2009: So
it looks like I'm not the only one to find this
strange, even thought the agency is willing to
return the $1
Edward Vreeburg Sep 9, 2009
Office applications Word 2003 files just grow and grow "clean" the word file Sometimes selecting everything in the Word file
and copying to a new file will help to keep the
problem under control... (this is less dangerous
than changing the registry settings) Ed
Edward Vreeburg Sep 8, 2009
Translation Theory and Practice Client wants me to translate website in his CMS Educate the customer Since he does not see the benefits of translation
sofrware it's up to you to - convince him -
offer him a solution - do it yourself Since
the customer seems to want the best quality
Edward Vreeburg Sep 8, 2009 technical support Creepy rush of visitors - don't we get notified of being featured anymore? it could be as simple as this Google your name and not only are you a very
famous translator, you also deal in fine
art... Maybe there was not kind of newspaper
article, TV program or something else mentionning
Edward Vreeburg Sep 7, 2009

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