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SDL Trados Studio: Technical issues

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This article contains a record of the most common technical issues associated with the use of SDL's CAT tool, Trados. If you do not find here a solution to the issue you are encountering, use the SDL Trados support forum.

Actions and procedures

Exporting TM

To export a Trados TM, follow these steps:

  1. Open Translators Workbench (SDL Trados) and create a new translation memory for the required language pair.
  2. Select Tools > Cleanup.
  3. Drag the bilinugual (unclean) file into the files section, set a location for your log file, and press cleanup.
  4. Close the cleanup window, and then (still in workbench) select Tools > Export.
  5. Ensure that your export format is TMX1.4 or TMX1.4b and run.

The TMX (Translation Memory Exchange) export format can (in theory) be passed between different CAT tools, and so this should be acceptable to the client regardless of the software they use.


Error messages

"File may be corrupt" when cleaning Word file (Windows 2007 + Trados 2007)

Try saving the source Word file as Word2000, re-translate it with TagEditor and clean the file using TagEditor. This should give you a formatted Word file in the target language.


"An unexpected error has occurred while loading application plug-ins" (MultiTerm)

  1. Delete the following file: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL MultiTerm\\ plugincache.xml
  2. Then restart Multiterm.

In the case of the same problem with Studio, delete the parallel file: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\\plugincache.xml

SDL Trados error when opening Word (Windows 7)

Try removing the template from the Startup folder of Word, as follows: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP. You need to make sure that Word is closed before you delete the file. After doing this, Word should open normally the next time that you open it.

Compatibility issues

MultiTerm 2007 + Vista 64

To instal MultiTerm 2007 on Vista 64, follow these steps:

  1. Install Trados 2007 (shouldn't give any problems)
  2. Install Multiterm 2007 up 'till the point where you get an error that a certain "start.exe" file is not compatible with a 64 bits operating system. Don't worry, you are still good to go. Just close the error message window and continue with step 3)
  3. First you need to make hidden files and folders visible by going to the Start button (lower left of your screen) and go to: Start>Control Panel>Folder Options (if you have classic view in Control Panel). If you use the default Vista layout of the Control Panel follow this flow: Start>Control Panel>Aspects and Personalization>Folder Options.

I'm not 100% sure about the English terms, since I'm translating from an Italian version of Vista.

  1. Select the second tab "Visualization" and under "Hidden files and folders" select the option "Show hidden files and folders". Click "Apply" and then "Ok". Don't close the Control Panel, because once we are done we are going to switch this option back to its original setting.
  2. Open the windows explorer by going to Start>Documents and in the list to the left select "Computer". On the right select (double click) your Windows installation partition (usually drive C: ).
  3. Browse to the following folder on that drive C:\Users\{your username}\AppData\Local\Temp\SDL MultiTerm 2007 Desktop SP1\. You will notice that in this folder you will find the file "start.exe" that generated the error of not being compatible with 64 bits operating systems. Fortunately this file just starts the actual installers of the software that you need and we can start those manually without the need of this file.
  4. Now select the folder \Products. Here you will see two folders: "\Acrobat Reader" and "\SDL MultiTerm 2007 Desktop". If you already have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can skip step 8) and proceed with step 9).
  5. Select the folder "\Acrobat Reader" and start the installer by double clicking it. Follow the instructions of the installation software. When finished, return to the previous folder by clicking the "Back" arrow button in your explorer window.
  6. Select the "\SDL MultiTerm 2007 Desktop" folder and start the Setup.exe (you might just see "Setup") file to install MultiTerm. Follow the onscreen instructions. Once done, we only need to hide our hidden files and folders again and then we are all set.
  7. Go back to the Control Panel (it should still be open, if not at point 3) is explained where to find it).
  8. Select Folder Options, go to the second tab "Visualizations", select "don't show hidden files and folders" under "Hidden files and folders".
  9. Close the Control Panel, close the explorer window and you are all set.



SDL Trados Studio will not open/hangs (Windows 7)

Run a disk check, select 'perform disk check on reboot', reboot and carry the disk check (it may take about 3 hours). During the check, the process should identify and repair any file relating to SDL Trados Studio 2009 that may be corrupt. After another reboot, the problem should be solved.


SP2 issues

Terminology recognition issue (after using Workbench)

At the time of writing, it is a known issue with SP2 that, after having had Workbench open, it is possible that you will not get term recognition in Studio. To resolve this issue, you need to open Studio, after using Workbench, with a special file, available from SDL's web site. The file comes in a folder called "", and the file itself is called "LaunchStudio.bat".

Entry cannot be added with Multiterm

Problem: You have Multiterm open, and a termbase open, and you try to add a new entry. You click on the "new entry" icon and the result is only an infinitely spinning round circle.

Try the following:

  1. Close MultiTerm
  2. Go to the control panel and select Java.
  3. Open Java and choose the last tab at the top ("Advanced").
  4. Select the fourth item down in the list, which should be "Java plug-in".
  5. Open up the "+" symbol at the side and you will see an option, something like "Activate Java plug-in of the next generation". If this box is checked, uncheck it.
  6. Re-start Multiterm and you should find that you can now easily add entries.

Please note that, for Multiterm to function perfectly, you should be using Java Version 6, Update 14. Anything more recent is likely to have an adverse effect on Multiterm and cause various problems.

If the above does not work, try the following:

  1. Close Multiterm
  2. Go to [your user name of your computer] - AppData - Roaming - SDL - SDL Multiterm - There you will see a folder called "UserProfiles", and underneath it 3 files. These 3 files are called BaseSettings, plugincache and UserSettings (all .xml files).
  3. Delete all 3 and re-boot the computer. Note: If you cannot see these files, you will need to activate the "Show hidden files" option on your PC:
  4. Then open up Multiterm and your termbase again, and check to see if you can add an entry. You should be able to. However, if not, go to the last-mentioned folder, and, if only 2 out of the 3 files are there, delete these 2 again and re-boot the computer a second time. After this the problem will normally be solved.